Instant Pot Hamburger Deluxe Stew

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This lip-smacking recipe takes a hamburger deluxe (with or without cheese) and deconstructs it into a stupendous stew!

43 replies
  1. Warchaser
    Warchaser says:

    While I'm ready for "Soup season" (eat soups year round)….this does not look even appetizing…..i would call it a hamburger beef stew…but not a cheeseburger stew just because it has the same ingredients/condiments found on a cheeseburger. I like the videos…but come'on…..

  2. damoose1829
    damoose1829 says:

    This looks like a Big Winner in my Home. On the fence with the carrots but I will try it. Like you said It is a stew. Will hit the store tomorrow for a couple things. Can't Wait. Thank You.

  3. Berus7777
    Berus7777 says:

    Jeffery — Question/Comment: I notice that many of your creations are often this amalgam of chunky/brothy. (and trust me, I've made a LOT of your recipes over the past 3 years. Your now iconic pot roast recipe was literally the FIRST thing I ever made in my Instant Pot, and was the reason I bought my first Instant Pot to begin with. They should be paying you royalties.) What I'm saying is, so often, your creations seem to be this juxtaposition of semi-solid elements, and a sort of runny, broth like base – like this one – which I'm going to try this week. I'd love to see you doing more recipes with a thicker (which doesn't always mean creamier) base. Sometimes, you know, the soul needs something that isn't, well, RUNNY. You know the consistency you get when you pop some broccoli florets, truffle oil, etc, into a Vitamix or Blendtec, and let the speed of the blender actually heat the soup? That amazing, creamy mouthfeel? That's what I'd like to see someone accomplish with the IP. It seems to be difficult to get that kind of amazing, thick, aerated consistency in the IP, (I suppose pressure isn't conducive to that, but, then again, food science can do miracles once someone makes a discovery. Or, it may be as simple as just using an immersion blender or something after a release? You're the expert.) I feel that if there's a frontier of the Instant Pot that isn't being explored, it's how to use pressure to create a certain type of creamy, bisque-like, or almost semi-granular sauce or soup that might be something like a good kartofflesuppe which, when done right, is astounding. Texture could be the new black – if that makes sense. (I'm not denying that you DO do thick, full bodied things like that from time to time — I really loved your recipe for potato leek soup ((although I make it with Kirkland Bacon Crumbles as a major time saver – which works fantastically well – and if you don't already keep those things stocked, trust me and do it)).) Oh, and as one gay man to another; we have to get you pronouncing "gouda" correctly. Cheers from California – Love your channel, also planning on buying your upcoming book, and I ALWAYS recommend your videos as the starting point for anyone with a new IP (and I've given a couple as gifts – again, largely due to your channel.)

  4. Mark Kawecki
    Mark Kawecki says:

    WOW can't wait to try this recipe, just want to give you a big thanks to all your awesome recipes with the instant pot, when I got the instant pot for Christmas I had no idea what to do with it till I started watching your videos so again thank you so much

  5. Jim Decker
    Jim Decker says:

    This looks like an instant family favorite. Pressure luck cooking has become my #1 resource for new recipes for the instant pot. I just pre-ordered your next cookbook. I already know I'm going to find some great ideas and recipes in there.

  6. Dawn Montgomery
    Dawn Montgomery says:

    I can’t wait to make this!! Some of the best dishes I’ve ever made were from your recipes so when you said add pickles/ketchup, I was like OKAY🤣I know you’ll never steer us wrong😊

  7. Babs11285
    Babs11285 says:

    I disagree. Hocus Pocus 2 was horrible! I had high hopes and was disappointed. They needed to bring back ALL the original characters just like Cobra Kai did to the original Karate Kid. If you read Hocus Pocus 2 the novel all the original characters were in it but the book was controversial and may have not been "disney" . Although Disney doesn't shy away from modern day so I am not sure why they didn't follow the novel. AND NO you will never lose me as a subscriber!


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