Instant Pot Giveaway!!! // 3qt Mini Instant Pot ***CLOSED***

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit

IndigoNiliGiveaway Enter for a chance to win an Instant Pot 3qt Mini plus a copy of my newly released, Healthy Instant Pot Mini Cookbook! ***TO ENTER*** 1.

31 replies
  1. Diane Neary
    Diane Neary says:

    The first thing I’d cook if I were to win the Instant Pot Mini is Rancho Gordo Christmas Lima Beans! The Instant Pot would cook the beans without heating up the kitchen. I live alone, so the mini would be perfect when I’m cooking for just myself.

  2. Rainbow Crow13
    Rainbow Crow13 says:

    The first thing I would cook in the mini would be rice, & fish w/ herbs & veggies from my garden! or carribean beans & rice w/ peppers & herbs from the garden! 🙌🌿🌶🐟🥗

  3. Gail Grasch
    Gail Grasch says:

    I would love to get your new cookbook and the 3 qt. I love watching your videos making your recipes, I have been a fan for several years. It’s just my husband and I now so the cookbook would be perfect for us.

  4. VitaZgal
    VitaZgal says:

    NILI !!! Your books are here…they are WONDERFUL….SOOO super clear…I opened randomly…landed on the sweet potato egg cups…OMgoodness..going
    to make tomorrow( I need to get them first)..I got so excited about how easy & clear your layout & instructions were…I hopped right over here & looked
    for your most recent video so I'd know you'd see how excited I am…and here is your give away I just watched before writing this.. I would be thrilled to have the Mini….I have given many away(diff't models)'d be extra special to be given one that I would then keep because it was a gift… 🙂
    Love to start with the sweet potato egg bites & Chicken Curry..Super happy I bought two books so I can surprise someone
    with one of them.. I'm going to be very busy in the kitchen….fun fun fun… Thank you so so much.

  5. Sherri Wolters
    Sherri Wolters says:

    I am just wondering how safe are you in Portland, hear about all the riots and protests, so just checking on you. We usually go to Oregon every may, didn't this year because of pandemic, now because of riots in Portland don't want to take chances, but just wanting to know your views on it, cant trust news

    KONEKO-NEKO says:

    Oh man have I enjoyed your channel. One issue I have with a lot of instant pot recipes is that they are hard to modify and/or include ingredients I can't get. I find most that you cover to be perfect for my needs. I would love to say the first thing I'd make would be chili or your cheesecake recipe, but let's be honest it'd probably be rice. lol I eat too much rice. The instant pot just makes it so easy an quick to prepare though. I'm really glad you release a full book dedicated to 3 qt. They say the bigger recipes are easy to modify but I have had the worst time with it so thank you!

  7. Dee Robertson
    Dee Robertson says:

    I would steam fresh veggies out of my garden…like corn or broccoli or carrots or..potatoes…. Yum. I would be doing eggs next! This is all while I am reading the cookbook front to back like a novel!

  8. Jessica Poirier
    Jessica Poirier says:

    Maybe try a cheesecake, or maybe yogurt. Because when I make it in my 6qt, it seems like I get in the instant pot mood, so I want to make dinner in it too but my liner is in the fridge finishing my yogurt.

  9. Laura Parker
    Laura Parker says:

    I think I would like to try making a cheesecake in the mini – and am so interested in checking out your book— thank you for the opportunity to try to win!!


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