Instant Pot Cheeseburger Deluxe Pasta

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Picture your favorite late-night burger loaded with all your favorite fixin’s. And then picture it transformed into a pasta featuring jumbo-sized macaroni.

43 replies
  1. Allan Cuseo
    Allan Cuseo says:

    I must make this…Also thinking of upgrading to the IP Duo Plus. I tried to find the model you are using with the clever vent button — cant find it– they all seem to have the old fashioned one.

  2. Matt Burns
    Matt Burns says:

    As the Instant Pot Hakham, you should know better than to add pre-shredded cheese! LOL! Always shred your cheese yourself if you're going to melt it in to something. The pre-shredded stuff is coated with starch, usually corn or potato starch, to prevent caking. It makes it melt funky. Fresh shredded is the ticket. Keep up the good work. I look forward to your next book.

  3. Raymond Wendt
    Raymond Wendt says:

    BTW, I was able to nab the last copy of your cookbook at a local Target. Gave it to my 80 year old father. He does nothing online, and I've been forwarding recipes to him. He was paging through it, when my sister stopped by. She immediately wanted to "borrow" it. Lol. I pointed her to your website and Youtube channel.

    Thank you so much for the detailed recipes. It's been a great help to me and others in my family. Can't wait to see what's next.

  4. Giraffe Toe
    Giraffe Toe says:

    i'm tempted to do some of the basics of this. maybe a little less sauce towards the end but actually using hamburger buns to make a sort of manwich version. then add individual pickles to top it off and some lettuce or spinach.

  5. France Vachon
    France Vachon says:

    Hi, I just bought myself an instant Pot, its the instant pot Duo Nova 3 Qt cause its only me and my husband here so…can't wait to receive it and try some of your delicious dish !!! Thanks for sharing…

  6. Bonnie Blue
    Bonnie Blue says:

    Just .ade it for lunch, minus the mustard. DELISH! But I'll have to get your new book now for days when I eat your recipes like this😎. By the way do you make those extract faces when you eat any meal or just for the camera? You must be so fun to share a meal with.


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