Instant Pot Breakfast Casserole

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Recipe Here!: Springform Pan Here!: It’s not everyday I eat …

37 replies
  1. Love N Light
    Love N Light says:

    Oh yummy 😋. I'm new with the instant pot and just got the double pan thing that you've used and the bunt pan (to try your meat loaf). If I cook it in the double pan do I still cook it for 30 minutes?

  2. Cheryl Singleton
    Cheryl Singleton says:

    Good morning Jeffrey. I recently obtained two air fryers. I own the Instant Vortex plus and the Instant Omni plus. So far I've made wings, cornish hen, fries, and muffins. Last night I air fried some Jerk chicken legs. My son ate them all; I didn't get one bite. I thought of you as I made some backup wings. Jeffrey where is your air fryer? You can capitalize off of both worlds. We need some of your delicious recipes in the air fry world as well. Think about it. I'm heading upstairs to attempt this dish for breakfast right now. Thanks for another fabulous recipe. Great Video.

  3. L.M. Green
    L.M. Green says:

    Thanks! I was looking for a breakfast dish to cook in my instant pot! I'm addicted to my instant pot…I enjoy cooking more now due to it…lol The food always comes out delicious 😉 Love your recipes!

  4. Aaron B
    Aaron B says:

    Who told you it was a good idea to not mix the cheese in with everything else and instead create a layer of it??!! Facepalm. OK so I'm going to say no on omelette in the instant pot even though I have one, omelettes should be done in a pan on the stove.

  5. Tania Elliott
    Tania Elliott says:

    You are such a doll!😙My sweetie bought my IP a month ago. My back is really messed up; now I can actually eat my own cooking again. Sent him this recipe today, as we were talking about breakfasts. You are awesome and I never get tired of listening to you.
    Have you done a carrot cake? I want to make one with ginger, and without springform pan. Thank you😻😻

  6. Cryptologist101
    Cryptologist101 says:

    Jeff, every time I watch one year videos and you get to the point where you eat it your expressions make my mouth water so much! It's like my senses are reaching out and trying to taste it.

  7. madnessofmymind
    madnessofmymind says:

    This is the WORST song ever. People need to STOP putting music behind their videos. It's not cool. No one likes it. Had to mute to watch. Sad. I sure hope your newer vids have changed this.

  8. Mark Gannett
    Mark Gannett says:

    definitely gonna try this…the spring form pan is an idea I never would have thought of, but I would mix the egg and filling together then pour them in and put the cheese on top.


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