Instant Pot BBQ Pork chops

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These BBQ pork chops are the bomb. Moist delicious pork chops every time.

11 replies
  1. Lois Henry
    Lois Henry says:

    Your video would have benefited from subtitles. You were explaining something about quick release and natural release and I couldn’t understand it even though I listened several times. Any chance you could write down what you were telling us? I’d really like to know. Thank you.

  2. Rae Hadley
    Rae Hadley says:

    Thanks for the directions. I'm making BBQ pork chops for dinner tonight. The kids in the background are so distracting I could not hear what you were saying at times. Kids are kids, but it really made the video hard to watch.

  3. ravenblackhawke
    ravenblackhawke says:

    Those kids need to learn some quiet play time and respect when you are making a video.

    There is really just way too much background screaming and yelling by those badly behaved children.

    My parents never laid a finger on us but used to give us "the look long and hard and we immediately behaved very quietly and always obeyed".

    "The long hard look worked wonders back then, and still does now.

    All my 14 God Children know all about the look, and they are very well behaved and always play quietly and nicely in a very peaceful environment.

    Old school philosophy states "children should be seen, and not heard"……..Great words to live by, and that was how were raised, and continue enacting that wonderful old time children should be seen and not heard philosophy!…..and by not heard I mean not heard screaming and talking very loudly, or yelling when playing.


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