im struggling ( how i'm getting back on track w/my health & going back how i first lost the weight )

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31 replies
  1. R G R
    R G R says:

    You are always an inspirational role model for me, one day at a time I always say. TY Donia for always being real with us and showing us the good, the bad and the ugly. I ❤️your videos!!

  2. Jessica Zimmerman
    Jessica Zimmerman says:

    Same honey!! Same here 🙋🏼‍♀️
    August turned out to be my binge month 😭
    Starting weight=250lbs January 2020
    Weight lost=65lbs September 2020

    January 2020 when I started and have been great for a year and a half! But this August(2021) was a low month for me!
    And since I came across your videos a few days ago, you’ve encouraged me to get back on track!!
    I don’t know you, but I love you!
    Keep going!! ❤️❤️

  3. Cassandra B
    Cassandra B says:

    I actually subscribe to your channel through my husband's account (because I am honestly too lazy to make my own account) but I decided to make an account just so I could leave a comment. We just moved last week and I have been struggling with eating out and haven't worked out in a few weeks. The honesty of your video was so incredibly motivating. I got off my behind this morning and worked out, no excuses. Thank you!

  4. ____ella
    ____ella says:

    I hope you know it’s okay to be struggling. I’m kind of going through a similar situation. Only the root of me not being in it mentally (to workout) is because of how overwhelmed I am with family issues that should have never been. From someone who used to be 305, you can lose weight through just food, and when you’re in a better place, you’ll WANT to workout. I used to be all about forcing the workout just to get it done but this time around it’s not cutting it. So do what’s best for you. Keep your head up!

  5. Jades Life Matters
    Jades Life Matters says:

    I’m been so disappointed with myself. I remember being in the best shape of my life as a bikini competitor this time last year and looking in the mirror and seeing the 20 lbs I’ve gained and absolutely hating myself. So thank you for this Donia, your videos always uplift me

  6. Melissa Price
    Melissa Price says:

    What a great inspirational video for you and for us. We encourage you and you encourage us ❤️ When I’m feeling off and not really wanting to workout, I find doing a fun one like a dancing workout really gets me going and I have so much fun. If you know the YouTuber “Grow with Jo,” her videos based on music artists like Beyoncé/Rihanna or she also has a Reggaeton one is so fun! You should try it out. Just moving my body gets me feeling better! Thanks for the inspo and keep it up. You have the tools and you know how to use them so don’t sweat it when you get a little off track, that’s totally normal 😘

  7. gabriela lopez
    gabriela lopez says:

    Can I recommend Sydney Cummings on YouTube! She does workout uploads a few times a week and has free programs to follow. Like when I can’t come up with a workout I use her videos and honestly she’s soooo amazing and motivates you to work out from home!

  8. AllisonBrooke
    AllisonBrooke says:

    Thanks for sharing your struggles too. Far too many people want to want a picture of life for videos that they are perfect and that isnt real life. Thanks for being an inspiration. Excited to try Slate! I used your code 😁

  9. Dawn Lanham
    Dawn Lanham says:

    Thank you so much for this video. I adore how real and honest you are!!! I previously lost 65 lbs., but during COVID gained it all back and more…… super upsetting, but I’m trying to get myself back on track now. This was really helpful. One baby step at a time. Thank you.


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