I Was WRONG About Veggies | KenDBerryMD Response

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KenDBerryMD tells his 2+ million YouTube followers a lot of information about vegetables that simply does not match up with the …

30 replies
  1. Ross Sundberg
    Ross Sundberg says:

    I was mostly plant-based for much of the last 10+ years, though not strict. I do encourage people to be more open to other narratives. After getting an autoimmune disease and struggling with mental health, I decided to try different diets. I'm not saying Ken Berry is absolutely right, but there is a meta-analysis this year that links vegetable oils to depression. There are also intervention studies showing seed oils probably cause migraines in some people. Not to mention how periods of doing a keto diet can be helpful for almost all mental illness. I think there are counter points to many of the points you've raised here. We're not going to get a paradigm shift arguing on YouTube, but for those out there with chronic problems, a broader perspective is worthwhile:)

  2. Richard Bullanoff
    Richard Bullanoff says:

    As any human investigating how to live a healthy lifestyle will conclude to eliminate processed carbohydrates / sugars from your diet. Unfortunately a lot of vegan lifestyle people i know are all unhealthy. Seems like they are all anemic with elevated liver enzymes even though they perceive to be healthy. A few of them had actually had to have iron and vitamin b infusions.

  3. Leon Sahasrara
    Leon Sahasrara says:

    Just love that RED inflammatory disease high iron bleeding out look these death eaters have…

    Can you get these death eaters to bet on death a full disclosure of their autopsy with the plant base eaters… if they stand by their word then in death the truth is revealed.

    Talk about metal health death diet…

  4. Lucida1818
    Lucida1818 says:

    This man is a family doctor with 20 years experience!! He has done the research and helped heal his patients.

    You on the other hand have no idea what you’re on about. Dr Ken Berry is a straight talker and has helped me tremendously. He chooses to eat a carnivore diet but, doesn’t discount vegetables entirely.

  5. Caitlin Maher
    Caitlin Maher says:

    Thank you, Mic, for the great video response. Unfortunately, I went down the carnivore rabbit hole and it did not end well for me. For the first time, I began having dysmenorrhea every month. I think women especially, should tread cautiously with increasing meat and saturated fat in their diet. Lack of fiber can contribute to worse menstrual pain, and higher intakes of red meat and processed meat could lead to conditions such as endometriosis. Something I didn't know until I started researching. I realize that this doesn't happen to every person who is on the carnivore diet, but it certainly should be voiced as a possible side effect, which is never (to my knowledge) mentioned by any of the carnivore gurus (not just Dr. Ken Berry). The carnivore diet is good for eliminating processed food and weight loss, but it can also be detrimental.

  6. literatious
    literatious says:

    Ketovores vs mostly plants is like Republicans vs Democrats. They're both mostly ideologues preaching to their choirs. Eat whatever makes you feel more focused & energetic, ditch these faux priests.

  7. methanial73
    methanial73 says:

    He was honest and said that some people can't absorb nutrients from some plants. I don't have a horse in this race, but a TON of people lost weight and reversed autoimmune disease with Carnivore/Keto. While some vegans get sick and some seem in good health. Individual needs, there's nuance to nutrition and people are different.

  8. Alessandro Ugarte
    Alessandro Ugarte says:

    I find it interesting when some people claim "plants don't want you to eat them which is why… *insert a very horrible reason that can panic people*"… what about animals? do they grow so they can tell you "ok, now eat me :D"?

  9. Lady Rei
    Lady Rei says:

    I'm Transgender. When I started my transition in 2020, I also transitioned my diet to vegetarian. I eat veggies, plant-based meats and legumes. I only bring this up, because of my transition I have labs done every six months and they check everything. They always comeback perfect. Also, I work at Amazon. The work is extremely physical, and I run circles around the meat eaters especially after lunch. They come back all lethargic and I'm hyped up ready to go.

  10. Mandy R.
    Mandy R. says:

    Going Vegan whole food plant based, even doing probably with all vitamins and nutrients including B12 nearly killed us. My Daughter 6 at the time lost her hair and was sick my son was constantly sick 4 I was always weak and tired. My husband the same. It wasn’t until we started eating actual meat again that we all improved and got healthy again. Vegan is absolutely not for children as a mother I am telling you if you love your children they need animal based protein. If you follow Mic your only harming yourself in the long run. Ask him about his Baby. DO NOT GO VEGAN human beings can survive but never thrive on it regardless of what they tell you. I suggest you read how to lie with statistics before watching another one of his Biased videos.

  11. skeeter skater
    skeeter skater says:

    Surgeon here- Dr Berry fails to mention the fantastic increased risk of colorectal cancer from red meat and the 7x increased risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer on BBB & E diet, essentially Standard American Diet. Oh, let's not forget, heart disease, dementia, diabetes type 2, peripheral vascular disease and many more……….

  12. Sevon young
    Sevon young says:

    Ok, literally just look up the fiber study. It's an observational study that's uses a food frequency questionnaire, among other methods. If you don't know, a food frequency questionnaire generally speaking, asks you how much of a certain food you ate within a longer period of time. In this case it was a year. It will ask you in specific units of measurements as well, in this study they used grams. Now, if someone asked you on a survey "in the last year, how many grams of banana did you have?" Could you seriously answer that with any sort of certainty? These types of studies are EXTREMELY common amongst nutritional studies, and observational studies in general are what Most nutritional studies fall under. If that wasn't bad enough, the 150k people in the study were tracked for 8 years to see the long term outcome of their fiber intake would be, BUT they only based those outcomes on the baseline fiber intake when first questioned. At the beginning. Assuming that every single person has the same exact diet, and fiber intake throughout all 8 years. This is only a drop in the bucket in terms of the HUGE problems with observational studies, and some of the most famous studies that conclude that meat, or eggs, or dairy(what the health, I'm looking at you), are just as bad if not worse. I mean hey, maybe some of the other studies that this guy uses are somewhat-legitamate, or some correlation data can be extracted from them, but when he's sitting back so smug criticizing someone he doesn't know hardly anything about, and using THIS garbage to back his claims, I have very little interest in giving his opinion any more credit. Oh, and FYI, there is at least one study from Hong Kong concluding that a zero-fiber diet gave complete relief to a small group of people with constipation conditions. Maybe that study is shit too, I don't know. Point is, don't your own research, and ACTUALLY READ THE STUDY and know the limitations before you go shout in your echo chamber.

  13. Alice Arcturus
    Alice Arcturus says:

    The meat industry is paying people like this to lie. Its amazing how many people don't have a conscience. Its amazing that people believe them even though they don't have and credible evidence or studies that back up their claims. I am a senior citizen and I knew that plant based diets were the healthiest when I was a kid.

  14. Barb 013
    Barb 013 says:

    Hey Mic if you want people to take you serious get dressed before you make videos. Personally I think you are both wrong. Vegans need to supplement vitamin B12 and carnivores need to supplement with electrolytes, if you have to supplement anything it is not an optimal diet.

  15. alina tache
    alina tache says:

    Just WOW!!! As a health practitioner myself, it's beyond heartbreaking to see so much ignorance coming from a doctor who claims his knowledge about nutritional medicine. Does he read any scientific and nutritional literature? His dietary recommendations are not supported by any nutritional science but a fad diet based on lies and quackery. This is criminal practice and advice!!! Both KenDBerry and that charlatan dr Gundry need to have their medical licenses revoked asap

  16. Eduardo Soriano
    Eduardo Soriano says:

    Blue zones actually are meat heavy, but they don’t disregard plants like carnivores do. I should also add that their meat is very fresh meat not industrialized meat, mainly fatty meats too. Pork, fish, and beef, and eating loads of butter.


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