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Sharing a DAY IN THE LIFE of a mom. If you are new here welcome! I am a divorced mama of one little girl (Scarlett, age 3). I create videos for women, mothers …

48 replies
  1. Andrea Brainerd
    Andrea Brainerd says:

    So glad to see you have comments!! Thankful to see more "Day in the life" videos and what you eat in a day. We're all the in same boat thankful for the daily vlogs you normally post and seeing a bit of what we typically would despite what is all going on. Thanks Caitlyn! 🙂

  2. Kristy Corder
    Kristy Corder says:

    Is your brown bag you posted on Instagram the full size diaper bag? Do you love it? Is it easy to keep clean, enough space? Thinking about getting one. From pics I saw did not look like many zippers/pockets. Thanks, love your vlogs and personal style :).

  3. Katie Pirri
    Katie Pirri says:

    This is great that you still have the comments. Hopefully it stays this way. I love Scarlett, she’s such a sweet girl. I’m looking forward to being home this weekend after working a lot of hours in the emergency department, it’s been draining with all the swabbing and getting in and out of all that PPE. Stay safe please. 💗

  4. Leah Brown
    Leah Brown says:

    I did a scavenger hunt at the park with my grandson today. It was nice to get out in the fresh air and there were only a few town workers so we kept our distance. I made a list of semi hard things since he's 7 and we had the best time. An hour of fun, walking around, talking together and giving him mommy a little break. And of course there were rewards for different amounts of items found. He wants to do it again!

  5. Cindy M
    Cindy M says:

    So happy your comments are back. I love being able to talk to you. Scarlett is such a precious little girl. She’s very smart. You and Ty are doing an amazing job with her. Love to see your clothing hauls for you and Scarlett. Be safe and careful.❤️🌷🤗

  6. Francina Colley
    Francina Colley says:

    I love your channel!! You have given me so much inspiration. I have a two year old daughter & we miss the gym as well. Thanks for the motivation to keep working out even with our mommy obstacles.

  7. 8shaeshae
    8shaeshae says:

    That’s exactly how I thought it would be when I went to the grocery store the other day! But it was totally normal. Not overly busy, people were friendly… it’s a weird feeling when that surprises you. They weren’t out of stock of anyway either. So thankful that my first time out of the house in days was a good experience. I needed it 😵 I hope you find TP soon! (And yay for comments!!!)

  8. Kim Acker
    Kim Acker says:

    I had the same experience when I went out in public, just an eerie feeling. I really admire your positivity and your workout, you go girl! Scarlett is so adorable, I love the way she plays with all her toys, she has such a great imagination.


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