I tried Peanut Butter Ramen

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shorts #PeanutButterRamen #InstantRamen #ShinRamyun #ShinRamen #TestKitchen #noodles #foodie.

39 replies
  1. Alexandra P
    Alexandra P says:

    Makes sense to me kinda like Vietnamese spring roll dip n if u add enough and an egg … add a good amount of protein yes good idea. Esp if u like crunchy ( I don’t) peanut butter

  2. Georgina
    Georgina says:

    What I recommend is making the Ramen not adding the seasoning packet and then straining it and putting about two spoonfuls of peanut butter in then if you want some crushed peanuts and then sesame oil and let it cool before u eat it

  3. Colin A
    Colin A says:

    I've been putting peanut butter in my Shin Ramyun for a while now. It's so good. You should try adding it to those Samyang fire noodles, too. You won't be disappointed.

  4. Paul Grote
    Paul Grote says:

    i would try that. i absolutely love peanuts in (most) Asian noodle dishes. it just adds such a nice flavor quality and i think it can enrich the flavor and texture of a dish a lot.

  5. Aloha_Peach
    Aloha_Peach says:

    I saw a tik tok where a women was eating ramen with mayo. First I though it was disgusting but after some time when I tried making it (due to curiosity), it was surprisingly very delicious. But I still think, butter with ramen is 🧈+🍜=🤢.

  6. W. Dude
    W. Dude says:

    I don't like peanut butter I don't know why, but my brother does this all the time with his beef flavored ramen, and I always jokingly go "ew gross" and quote that Scottish mother saying "disgusting!" but I'm sure if I didn't dislike peanut butter I'd be fine with it :3


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