I put Worlds #1 Flavor Enhancer on STEAK — EXPERIMENT

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41 replies
  1. Sander Nieuwenhuizen
    Sander Nieuwenhuizen says:

    If you have a good steak, why cover up the taste of that beef with marinades or rubs? I want to taste beef, not some MSG loaded black salty stuff. Just beef taste with some seasalt.

    I am Dutch, didn't grow up with Maggi like you sketched it (except a little dash for in the soup)

  2. Venetia Raw & Unfiltered
    Venetia Raw & Unfiltered says:

    its called Vegemite here in Australia 😂🇦🇺😍 & I truly love it! I do not season my steak until I serve it with just salt flakes as I find once the seasoning has had heat to it upsets my stomach. Don't know if I am normal 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️

  3. kuyaaids
    kuyaaids says:

    I actually prefer Knorr (if you guys have it there. Or whatever Unilever, parent company, has it branded over there) Liquid msg/seasoning XD. I usually marinate fried chicken with it.

  4. CrazyJake
    CrazyJake says:

    this is mainly ment to be added into soups.
    but just a little bit, not half the bottle.
    its not even needed while cooking. just put it on the dining table so each person can use it to their taste on their own plate.
    best served in combination with salt and grinded black pepper.

  5. Garry Hammond
    Garry Hammond says:

    Great video – I always have some Maggi in my cupboard (I have no idea why…) – I often add it (a bit) to beef dishes or gravy, but not as a marinade.
    MSG got a bad rap some years ago, but it is actually not bad for you – I like my local Chinese food with it, but they advertise it not added to their food.

  6. David Brewer
    David Brewer says:

    It is umami…. the 7th flavour which we can detect on our tongues. Umami is the same region of taste buds which is excited by MSG. Think of flavour as a paint pallette. He makes his paints up by mixing the 6 different base colours together (Red, Blue, yellow, Green, Black, White) just imagine f there was a 7th base colour he could use… THIS is what umami brings to the flavour of food.

  7. Dabido-San
    Dabido-San says:

    I replace the salt with Maggi in the dressing when I make a salad.
    In France you will also find "Viandox" a variant of Maggi, I like both ^^
    As I'm from close to Germany, the Maggi tastes the same, and they even have spicy hot Maggi! So good :p

  8. Michael Mitterholzer
    Michael Mitterholzer says:

    My dads parents immigrated from a german village in Czechoslovakia to Cleveland Ohio. I legit never had soup without this and used this stuff allllll the time as a young kid. I never realized it wasn’t normal until I went to college. Have some in my fridge downstairs as we speak haha

  9. Robert Wren
    Robert Wren says:

    I ordered a bottle before I watch your entire video. But I read the reviews on it, and they were really good. I'm going to try it and see how I feel about it. I've been just using salt and pepper. Maybe it's that you marinated it too long. I'll only use a small amount.


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