I never get tired of cooking potatoes with celery like this! Healthy, easy and delicious

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I never get tired of cooking potatoes with celery like this! Healthy, easy and delicious Welcome to my channel! 300g celery Chop …

17 replies
  1. Donna
    Donna says:

    Instead of using the skillet, to save on washing up, saute in the deeper stock pot used later in the video that you pureed into the soup. One less pot to clean and you don't waste product moving from one vessel to another.

  2. Cynthia Brown
    Cynthia Brown says:

    This is not what I expected at the start of this video and I’m pleasantly surprised. Do the potatoes not get gummy when you blend them? I’m hoping not because this is one of my favorite flavor profiles. Can’t wait to try this. Thanks for the lesson.


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