I lost friends because of the carnivore diet…

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I am no longer invited to as many social events, my friends don’t call, & my family thinks I’m a bit odd. Here’s what I’ve learned …

46 replies
  1. skepticalbynature
    skepticalbynature says:

    Same can be said if someone is Christian, does not believe the MMS narrative, is conservative, belief in family first, no cellphones (mind control device), no medical tyranny, etc.—these days, people do not think for themselves; they rely on what they are being told on the tel-a-vision, google, and phones. What a more productive, happier, smarter world this would be if people would just ditch the phones and stop listening to the Gates and Fauci(s) of the world.

  2. Sandra Kanna
    Sandra Kanna says:

    My best friend is vegan and she is not healthy but she loves animals with all her heart hence she would not change her diet in a milion years. I am carnivore. When we go out together she has salad, I have plain steak. We do not talk about food at all. We respect eachother and our choices. Our friendship is more important than our diets. I guess we are both matured enough hence lucky.

  3. valerie lynn
    valerie lynn says:

    We all came into this life with our own journey, our own lessons to learn and no one is going to change you but you. Only in my humble opinion being the best you you can be is the best conversation starter. If someone wants help they look, research and ask others how they got where they are. I have lived every lifestyle change to heal my body. It took me getting to carnivore in my 60's to heal totally and get everything in remission after living holistic my whole life, save your damn breath and just be the example and if people want your opinion, how you got where you are they will ask for it. No one wants anyones opinion or advice unless they ask for it. Period. I could care less what anyone thinks because this is my journey.

  4. Grant Lawrence
    Grant Lawrence says:

    This is so much more difficult as a female. You girls are vicious to each other.

    As a guy, I usually just tell people what I know/think when they comment on my food choices. Sometimes I will make comments (not always the best idea) on what they are eating if they bring up the topic. I will keep to myself many times, but if someone comments on my food, gloves are off 😀

    It's definitely more acceptable for males to eat a ton of meat.

  5. Maylin Cespedes
    Maylin Cespedes says:

    Sounds like the same thing when you want you friends and family to know Jesus. You want to share the greatest gift ever and they are not interested. 😢😢. All you want to do is share greatness and what has been life changing. They look at you like you’re an alien and start calling you fanatic blah blah blah…. Same with becoming carnivore and wanting to share this great thing that has been so life changing. Oh well at least we try. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

  6. Diana G.
    Diana G. says:

    The problem is we have gotten stuck in a loop. You can have a cookie once in a while. The problem is the loop. If we reset our bodies a couple cookies once in a while won’t hurt us. Diet Dogma and consistent bad habits are what got us here

  7. Julie Valker
    Julie Valker says:

    Lillie, it’s hard to help ignorant people. They want to complain about all their ailments but aren’t ready to face hard facts. I’ve had so many people ask me what I did to lose weight and get healthy but they don’t want to put in the effort. Keep being you!! You have helped me so much on my health journey.

  8. DxCK
    DxCK says:

    I am 100% percent understand you. But still, I can't just sit still and say nothing after I hear all the false information and wrong advices doctors tell to my parents.
    I can't stand the fact that my parents are suffering right now and going to suffer more and more as time goes by if they continue eating junk and carbs and take statins.
    I do speak up, but I'm trying to do it softly and gradually, not every time I talk/meet with them, and of course they have me as a model of success.
    My father already had a previous experience with reduced-carb diet, and he recently started to implement it again but this time he tests foods agains a glucometer. He got rid of all the snacks.
    My mother suffer ever more but she refuse to change her diet currently. I hope later on my father will be a model for her and will convince her to join him.

  9. wendy melillo
    wendy melillo says:

    OMG I can't believe I found this video. You are me! I'm trying to get past the need to help everyone with their food choices and suffering in silence watching them, what I consider, killing themselves. Your insights helped me see what I need to change about myself. thanks.

  10. Tony Alai
    Tony Alai says:

    Who gives a fuck about supposed friends that you lost—- only young people worry about friends—— when you finally arrive in life, you could care less if ANYBODY likes you including your mom 🤷🏻‍♂️

  11. Kim Thorpe
    Kim Thorpe says:

    It’s their loss not yours. True friends would be supportive of you. I had to remove myself from a certain group of friends because they raised a stink of me eating a carnivore diet and seeing an NTP instead of a normal doctor. One of them, the only one I still talk to , recently started seeing my NTP and a health coach and is not only feeling better , she’s lost weight. Funny how when I was 260 and eating junk they didn’t care but now they think I’m gonna die. 😀I think if they did support me it would force them to look at themselves and all the crap they’re eating.

  12. dwood
    dwood says:

    Tbh. I eat meat, fruit, honey, fat and dairy. 1 week. Rash gone. Mood up, memory improved. The only way is up. We have similar teeth to bears and their food chain is meat, fish, organs, berries, honey etc. Its a great diet.
    Thing that blows my mind is Atkins is accepted, vegetarianism is accepted damn slim fast is accepted but not what we should really be eating. Plants and seeds cause inflammation. They have chemicals in them that stop predators eating them. We injest this and get sick. Simple. Grains are seeds, it's in bread and its killing people and making them sick 100 percent.

  13. cruven999
    cruven999 says:

    I was asked to visit with three different family members today on this get together they had to stop at Dairy Queen one said to me uncle Bobby you are just going to have to get over it, I hadn't said anything until then, I told him that I don't have a problem with anyone going to dairy Queen. Anyone who knows me has heard me say many times that everyone has to make their own choices, I just want them to have all the Facts instead of the Lies we have been told for over 50 years about which Foods are Healthy for us.This same Nephue who said I would have to get over it has already had Two Toe Amputations from Diabetes & is taking Multiple Doctor Prescribe Drugs for multiple conditions. "Sugar(Carbohydrates & Fructose) Is A Very Addictive Drug & The Leading Killer In The U.S." Big Pharma, The Medical Industry, Governments, Etc.. just call it by a different name (Metabolic Syndrome).I was listening to a Cop the other day that has been Carnivore for three months he said that he Now understands why it is so hard for Drug Addicts to simply stop their Drug of choice because Sugar is still kicking his ass even though his Sugar intake Now is Mostly Stevia. We have to understand our family members are Addicts "Like We Once Were" FYI Most of my Friends & Family Now for the most part are eating better Now Not Perfect but Eggs & Bacon No longer scares them because they have seen my Severe Diabetes A1C over 13 two years ago to A1C 5.8 a few months ago With Absolutely No Diabetic Drugs Shots or Pills I haven't taken a Pill or shot of Insulin in almost two years Your Friends & Familly are WATCHING YOU even if you think they aren't.

  14. Barb Lacy
    Barb Lacy says:

    Thanks! I needed that. I feel that watching my loved ones eat a SAD with all their (multiple) health issues is like watching them hold a loaded pistol to their head.

    I want to rescue them. UNFORTUNATELY, like your relative they are ADDICTED to their favorite foods and just don’t want to hear me.

    So if they ask, my new policy is to make one suggestion based on their greatest need and let them continue their game of Russian roulette…Twinkie, HoHo, DingDong style.

    I give up.

    PS it is reassuring to see so many other healthy health advocates ALSO running into brick walls. It is nice to know it’s not just me.

  15. Sun Fired Sam
    Sun Fired Sam says:

    Hey Lillie!!
    This is perfect advice, I too have learned from experience😅 Leading by example, without expectations, and shining your love and light— is the way to go.
    I actually follow a fruit based, raw vegan lifestyle (complete opposite end of the spectrum to you😂), but I think we have a lot more in common than not. Both against the grain of society with the goal of realizing our highest potential with the help of ultimate health. Even with our opposing perspectives, the divine in me sees the divine in you. ♡︎♥︎♡︎♥︎

  16. Adam Clancy
    Adam Clancy says:

    You had the worst “friends”. Not had a problem with my friends or family at all. They get it, it’s my choice, they don’t care about what I’m chewing. Dumb.

  17. mary nguyen
    mary nguyen says:

    I ve been doing the same things with my husband, but he got annoyed with the fact that I stopped talking about what he should or shouldn't eat. I just have to ignore him feeling being ignored, and stick to what I believe.

  18. Gnome Star
    Gnome Star says:

    Its always a mistake to tell people about your diet and how you eat and what you think they should eat(Im also carnivore) people get defensive. However if and when they ask me I tell them what works for me.

  19. Lil Momma
    Lil Momma says:

    I get it Lillie. I heard all these responses 20 years ago when I started my zero carb life. They have continued on their high carb demise an have had so many, many health crisis’. I have maintained my weight, never had meds and stay super active and fit. They still have not come around. You are doing the right thing. Keep up the great videos!

  20. JG Lee
    JG Lee says:

    Hi Lillie. As you posted more short clips, perhaps consider having a second channel that you can move the short clips to after a week. This will keep your main channel clutter free with the longer videos only. I ran into some channel that is not navigable due to a huge number of short clips interspersed with the long videos. I couldn't figure out what the overall content is all about. I just skipped the channel in that situation. Keep them separate if you can. Thanks.

  21. Lynne Edele
    Lynne Edele says:

    I have put my soapbox away. I mind my own business. I let others do what they have a right to do. I choose health, carnivore and I am ok with that. I live like I love myself. I am grateful for this really important point of view from Lilly. Thank you 🌴🌴🌺🌺😊😊

  22. blix27
    blix27 says:

    Love the channel and just had a quick question?
    So I started meat organs and fruit diet Monday and really liked it but I was eating only 1.5 pound of grass fed beef everyday with 100g of carbs from fruit and when I eat im satiated but nauseous.
    Did you experience this at all? Isn’t advice? Maybe just takes a few days to get used too the change?

  23. Jamie Woytasik
    Jamie Woytasik says:

    Just because you are different/ odd does not make it a bad thing. On Wednesday I went to lunch with my friends. My boss joined us. We went for BBQ. I placed an order ahead of time for a pound of pork, so delicious. We got back to the office and he was joking around with me about it. My response was that I didn't want all of the bread. It was good humored ribbing.

  24. satisfied bride
    satisfied bride says:

    You are not alone. Loving Jesus, being a woman of character and integrity, and now eating strictly carnivore, I too have no friends. You are loved Lillie. Keep up the great work! I pray for you and Bryce daily. : )

    LONGEVITY EXPERTS 长寿专家 says:

    I am a Singaporean Chinese and currently in the Philippines where I see staples that Asians are regularly and mainly consuming "Simple and Processed CARBS" including rice, gluten and wheat-based food. However, I am different from them after doing a lot of research work on choosing optimal and longevity diets and have eschewed simple carbs and embraced nutrients-rich and -dense foods in which I do a strict Carnivory Diet for 2 consecutive days weekly and the rest of the days are of different diet plans.
    I FEEL great, slim and youthful at age 55, and a year back I even practised my dance steps on the moving treadmill.
    Thank you 🥰 Lillie dear for your outspoken sharing of your situation. Sending you lots of 💕❤️💗♥️😍
    My advice is that you can make new friends. Our life journey is full of gains and losses in every aspect of our life. You gain some, you lose some.
    God is in control and everything is in God's plan and timing.

  26. Linda Potgieter
    Linda Potgieter says:

    Lillie, I totally resonated with this video! I live in South Africa, where braaiing (BBQ) is quite literally the most popular way to socialise… if you get invited over to friends, 95% of the time it's going to be for a braai. That's MEAT based, so you'd think a carnivore's comfort zone right?! Wrong! Because "braai" in a social sense also means tons of side dishes (garlic bread, potato salad, pasta salad, lots of roasted root vegetables) and that's not to mention the "starters" of Doritos, dips and bowls of salted nuts, and the beers and wines to wash it all down. And the meat? Sugary marinades and rubs are more often involved than not. I used to graze my way through ALLLLLLLLLL of it, I'd get depressed if a braai didn't have a million of these "extras" which I genuinely believed made it all so much better. Now, I just want the searing hot coals and the seriously good meat, loads of salt and some grass-fed butter to finish. I couldn't be happier to just enjoy my plate of meat while everyone else tucks into their favourites from all the sides and spreads… to each their own. Yet somehow, that translates to "not eating anything"…. with a social cooking style that is arguably more suited to my WOE than anyone else's 🤪!!

  27. L Cr
    L Cr says:

    I’m a carnivore and trekking through Nepal mountains … to survive I have to eat mainly rice and veges , a lot of the mountainous regions have meat but very little for visitors …. They are smart and save mutton , Buffalo and chicken for their families …. It’s very primitive…. definitely organic veges but I DEFINITELY don’t feel as well when I’m home living on ribeyes …… can’t wait to return to my healthiest diet on earth red meat , butter , eggs …… thry do serve a lot of eggs which has been my main meal while traveling but I miss my large amounts of red meats ….wonderful people here and NOONE is fat … no processed food in the mountainous area ….. they eat a lot of meat and organic veges they grow near their home ….very sweet people…. Oh and I do eat small amounts of chicken here…carnivore is the way to go for me !! Do visit the Annapurna region it’s beautiful…if you get a chance ..


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