I don't know if you could eat my favorite vegetable dish…

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The fish paste I use is only available at my local Filipino market…but this is a good alternative: https://amzn.to/2TRy6w6 – What’s The Food Map??

49 replies
  1. lida dishchyan
    lida dishchyan says:

    I love leafy greens so I’ll definitely be sure to try it. The dish I grew up with is blanched dandelion weeds with olive oil and lemon juice with salt and black pepper of course 😊 the dandelion weed is a bitter but I feel like the oil and lemon juice helps with the bitterness as least I think so. Give it a try if you haven’t had it before ❤️

  2. Tt Dudpro
    Tt Dudpro says:

    In Cambodia here we eat something similar but we add fish meat in their with other seasoning ingredients and we eat it with different kinds of vegetables that is boil and we eat with rice or rice noodles as well

  3. Please Don't Feed The
    Please Don't Feed The says:

    One of my favorite greens to eat like that is green onion or chives (the big chives you get at a Korean market not the baby ones) did not realize they could be sautéed and so good as a main dish until I started getting into Korean cuisine. I can eat a whole plate of green onions sautéed in some sesame oil, soy sauce, brown sugar and Korean chili paste (can't spell the actual name lol)

  4. maddiphen
    maddiphen says:


    In case anyone don't know, Kangkung grow in swamp areas/soil with a lot of water in it (there's also the type grow in dry soul too) so it's possible for leaches to live inside the stem that's why you should ALWAYS cut the stem when cooking it (unless you grow it yourself) as it can be very dangerous if you accidentally eat a leach

  5. Hanni Matugas
    Hanni Matugas says:

    I want to eat more water spinach, but my parents almost never let us have it because they're scared of the worm/insect eggs that could live inside the hollow stems. No amount of washing/blanching removes their anxiety, so it almost feels like a treat to me whenever it's on the menu at whatever resto we're in and I can have it "safely". 🙁

  6. Myat Pwint Phyu
    Myat Pwint Phyu says:

    I thought it was called water cress until now lol. You can fry it too, even ppl who doesn't like veggies eats that bc it's that tasty. Also adding a few mushrooms while you're frying will take it to the next level.

  7. todohxi
    todohxi says:

    I eat this but fried almost everyday lol. Its my favourite vegetable and we call it watercress(or water grass I don't remember it in eng). We also have fresh fish paste everyday bc my parents can't eat rice without fish paste

  8. Le Lemon
    Le Lemon says:

    We eat the spicy version of the fish paste with basically any veggies. Our family stir fries the water spinach actually but we dip them in fish paste also


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