I Cooked an XXL lamb on the BBQ

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RANDOM (words that help you find this video) #KEEPONGRILLING xxl whole lamb lambchops burnhard pelletsmoker flint sheep butchery recipe how to cook …

36 replies
  1. Steve theButcher
    Steve theButcher says:

    That is a medium size lamb here in the USA, anything under a year old is considered lamb here. There are 1200 plus breeds of sheep out there so I already see the comments that this is mutton, sheep or what not. The size of the carcass does not automatically determine the taste or tenderness of the meat, age to a certain extent and feed make all the difference. Hey PitmasterX I really hope you removed that turd before you smoked that.

  2. Chuckstergun
    Chuckstergun says:

    I've been watching various pitmasters (and you) with their pellet smokers. I've got to say I don't see any of that nice blue smoke one gets when using a Kamado, bullet, etc type smoker using lump coal & wood chunks. Matter of fact i dont see any smoke at all. When you (and them) use the other smokers, I see nice blue smoke! Your comment appreciated.

  3. Tony Krijger
    Tony Krijger says:

    As South African's living in The Hague we spit roast a lamb or a pig in the garden once a year in the summer. A few years back my Dad, who is Dutch, was preparing a whole lamb and some kids asked him what he was doing – he told them his dog was naughty and that he was going to cook it. The kids called the cops, the cops arrived and the cops left laughing. That was a good day!


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