How to Stop Secret Binge Eating / 5 Easy Steps To Get Control of Your Eating / Weigh-In Wednesday

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Although I’ve never been diagnosed with an eating disorder, I know that I have struggled massively with binge eating and drinking. I want to share with you the 5 …

39 replies
  1. daumbecl
    daumbecl says:

    Those "small" chocolate bars are 80g? 100g is the normal size in germany and i thought eating one of them ist soo much how big are the american "normal" or "big" chocolate bars??

  2. Low Vision Life
    Low Vision Life says:

    I was able to get a handle on my binge eating habit after starting intermittent fasting as well. ^_^ **Really** appreciate how you addressed binge drinking in this video; I was able to get a handle on it as well thanks to IF, but then a bunch of life stresses hit me at once so I've re-adopted and disowned that habit a few times in the past two years. I've got deep shame over it, so the matter of fact way you bring it up is so powerful to me. TFS!!!!!

  3. Leah Rose
    Leah Rose says:

    I love your channel and watching your videos and happy about your weight loss . This video was very good I have binge eating disorder and will take the tips with me.

    SUSAN TOM says:

    Single servings are also good. Buy a piece of cake not a whole cake. Costs more but works. I like to go to the Lindt store and buy 1 chocolate. They weigh it and everything. The other thing is I go to the bulk food store where I can buy a small quantity not a whole package.

    SUSAN TOM says:

    I thought I had this beat but last night I was stressed and I went downstairs and ate the last piece of cake from the weekend birthday. I was hyper aware that I was doing it and did it anyway. I liken it to cutting. It’s like the negative feeling of eating overrides the other negative feeling. It’s counterintuitive

  6. M'Lady
    M'Lady says:

    I love your hair like that Holly and your skin looks great. My skin also looks better since quitting alcohol 5 months ago. Bit superficial I guess but it keeps me motivated 😁

  7. NRG Ltwrkr
    NRG Ltwrkr says:

    It may be psychological for some folks too, but for me, when I am eating balanced meals, and taking the right supplements for my body, the urge to binge is way less. Years ago, I wondered if some of my bingeing wasn't caused by nutritional deficiencies. I googled it and my theory seems to be valid. For example, they say when you crave chocolate, your body is really asking for magnesium. I tried it, and it worked! I started taking a magnesium supplement with dinner, because I would always crave chocolate after dinner, and I honestly don't crave chocolate anymore. I read that when you crave fatty and salty foods (my biggest downfall -oy! potato chips!) that your body needs calcium. Sure enough, I am allergic to dairy, and probably wasn't getting enough calcium, so I started eating more kale, broccoli, chia seeds, figs, sunflower seeds and tahini and the salty/fatty cravings dropped WAY down. I'm not saying it will work for everyone, but I just wanted to share that it has really helped me, and I hope it may help someone else. 🙂

  8. FreakyNightmare
    FreakyNightmare says:

    Your workouts and intermittent fasting are key to my weight loss (finally!) (I eat lunch after 12.00, snack around 15.00 and dinner before 18.00). For me stopping eating at 6pm has been best solution for my body and sleep. I could start eating at 10, but usually I can't because of my job. Weekends vary and can be 14.00-20.00/21.00, depends of the day. The method works and I'm in love with it <3
    Though I got Covid and I've been sick for 4 weeks now. Have to do lot of work to get back in business.

  9. kobaltkween
    kobaltkween says:

    Thanks so much for sharing! Those are very solid tips.

    I haven't been eating very well as of late just due to lots of major life craziness, but here's the things that usually keep me eating fairly healthily.
    1. Find a quick decently healthy ready food solution. For me, this was the large, $6 chicken cobb salad at the local grocery chain. Not too much money, easily available nearby, has avocado, real bacon crumble, and feta, and is a ton of fresh veggies with a sliced roasted chicken breast.
    2. Decide on as many decent healthy goto meals as you need, and shop for them.
    3. Come up with a daily and weekly regular treat. My daily is decent quality chocolate, my weekly is ice cream.
    4. This one I haven't figured out yet. Find a goto snack you can just munch on one or two times a day that's healthy and satisfying. I realize that a lot of people find it easier to just not eat between meals, but that's not me. And today there's tons of interesting and healthy options with things you really benefit from, like omega 3 oils, fiber, etc. I've tried a few different things, but so far nothing has hit that price point/satisfaction balance.
    And these are just my random rules I try to follow.
    – Avoid buying splurge items, the kind you tend to eat too much of rather than ration, in large amounts. Especially from Costco. Much like your M&Ms story.
    – Avoid buying or making bland food. I find I chase an increase of flavor as if it's additive, and that by the time I notice I'm doing it, I've eaten too much. This is especially true of processed foods, which tend to be very easy to digest.
    – Try to find non-binge alternatives to foods I'll binge. For instance, I'll binge Reese's (though it's been a long time), and when I do, I could do it every day. So instead I'll occasionally have quality peanut butter cups. And I have real chocolate for my every day cravings, not the chocolate-flavored food in Mars and Nestle products.
    – Drinking mainly water, and having it on hand all the time. I try keep my water bottle full.
    – Seasonal: I actually need to do this again now. If I allow myself, I will drink tons of lemonade and OJ in mold seasons when it's just humid and rainy and warm for days, because my throat feels icky and itchy and I crave that lovely citric acid on my throat. If I keep around real lemons to squeeze into my water, it has the same effect without the sugar.

  10. Alison
    Alison says:

    Oh gosh thanks for this. I'm a secret eater and trying desperately to stop. For me it's cookies and chocolate. I have to try hard not to buy them. If I don't have it in the house then I'm not bothered. Struggle is real 😫

  11. Toke klein
    Toke klein says:

    I'm a big secret binge eater. And I hate it. I know I shouldn't eat it. I know it's bad. I hide it because I'm embarrassed. But I still eat. And I don't even feel better when I eat all the stuff in secret. I just don't know how to stop. Thanks for talking about this.

  12. Vanessa Talberg
    Vanessa Talberg says:

    My problem was trying to restrict and categorize the food in my eating window. I need to get used to the intermittent fasting and then try the keto slowly adding restrictions. I did good for a while but I have emotional binge eating tendencies and it all added up to a huge eating binge that lasted for a few weeks! Eeeks! So restriction free/balanced intermittent fasting started again!

  13. MsCrAzYcOoKiE76
    MsCrAzYcOoKiE76 says:

    It's hard sometimes to not go shopping when hungry. It all depends when I eat and what my errands are that weekend. e.g. if I eat in the morning, do errands all throughout the day and only have time late pm for groceries that when I'll start getting hungry and I am doomed fighting with myself so I totally feel you on that part.

  14. Angela Johnson
    Angela Johnson says:

    One thing I say but have trouble following myself is to not eat directly from the package. Like if I want some chips or something if I eat directly from the bag I know I'll eat the whole bag but if I just put some on a plate then I'm good with that.

  15. Nancy Santamaria
    Nancy Santamaria says:

    We can’t do it all but we can sure can look great trying! Your pics are stunning Holly 😊❤️. I feel the same way about my binge eating problem and have tried some of the same tips but honestly can’t always wrap my head around it. I find that meditation has helped somewhat. I’m learning to be aware of my thoughts, and I realized that if I take a deep breath after the thought of eating enters my mind, I can (sometimes) do something else. It takes a lot of work so I give you much respect for opening up yourself and life to us all. Lots of love from Canada 🇨🇦💕

  16. Foxglove
    Foxglove says:

    Thanks so much for your video. I am desperate to get a hold of my binge eating and lose weight.. I binge for mental health reasons and I’m on daily steroids so they make me ravenous, and I never feel full.
    If you have any food tips for reduced carb vegetarian food ideas that would be great!

  17. Norma Simpkins
    Norma Simpkins says:

    Hi Holly, great to see you are doing good an making smart choices. This video spoke the most to me! The difference is I might drink once every two months. Everything else is carbon copy. Am glad to see others have the same struggles. Thanks for inspiration and motivation

  18. Cathy C.
    Cathy C. says:

    I am struggling right now with the same. I am a pasta holic. I really need to never eat it again. When I have a little bit, I want more, and then more etc. Plus I try to eat it in secret which has been difficult with Covid lockdowns lol. So I am going to try and start using your ideas. No more booze which isn't a big problem, but maybe a little cause up here it's summer and summer weather makes me want to have beer, rye, vodka…etc. and if I drink then there's no willpower. I need to cut pasta out completely, and limit other starches, bread, potatoes, rice. Summer is a good time for salads and barbequed veggies. One day at a time. I'll have to keep telling myself that as well. Thanks for posting the inspiring video!


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