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Today we are going back to basics! As you know we are concentrating on adding more content that focuses on learning to cook.

18 replies
  1. oma erin
    oma erin says:

    Noreen, as I just said I'm 74 and just made your chicken tonight. I used different spices because of what I had and followed the recipe for the first half hour and then cooked another hour. I checked the temperature at the thigh, and it read 200 degrees, Yikes… It was PERFECT, the juiciest chicken I have ever made with a lot less work. No more rubbing with olive oil, stuffing with lemons, tying up the legs, no more. Thank you for a great recipe. Even an old bitty like me can learn something new everyday. Looking forward to the leftovers and the carcass is already in the crockpot with veggies to make some broth. Thanks again. 🐔😘❤

  2. Henry Cooks
    Henry Cooks says:

    They looks so good, just a suggestion, you and I know, but it would be helpful to a new cook to know how and where to check the temperature, it's those small things that are helpful to new cooks. Bet you are going to miss that daughter, you seem like a close family, it gets quiet when they leave.

  3. Kitterkadinks *
    Kitterkadinks * says:

    Thank you for sharing this information. I love and very much appreciate you and your videos. I first found you a few years ago when I was looking how to make a turkey. It was my first Thanksgiving without my beautiful stepmother who always made our turkey. (Cancer had took her swiftly that year.) I was very nervous and sad. With the help of your video our turkey that year was delicious and I got a boost in confidence. Again, thank you so much for these videos and I look forward to giving this roasted chicken a try. Much love and blessings to you and your family. ❤️

  4. oma erin
    oma erin says:

    This is a great thing to do Noreen. So many people don't know how to cook even simple things. They don't care to learn; some would rather just order out. But the way the world is now they better learn if they want some good food. Thanks for sharing this it's a great thing. Stay well and safe.

  5. Linda Kuhlman
    Linda Kuhlman says:

    Thanks Noreen. I found you more towards the end of canning season.
    I’m a newbie (never canned before so I’m learning).
    Even though I’m a senior one can always find something in your videos even if it’s for beginners.
    Thank You For Helping All Ages Even If We Are New Or Seasoned!!! 😉

  6. JoAnn Carpenter
    JoAnn Carpenter says:

    Noreen, I never roasted a chicken before I received them from the local food pantry. I have a roasting pan & learned to cook 2 at a time! I shred the meat for meals & it’s unbelievable how tender it is! Thanks for doing this series!


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