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Thank you for watching Kenton & Habiba #parentingtips #cookingvlog #familyvlog Subscribe for more family vlogs, cooking, and …

27 replies
  1. Mz Ruby Dee
    Mz Ruby Dee says:

    Looks delicious. I have a package of beef liver in the freezer, and I'm going to try your recipe. Thanks. And you look fine without the makeup. I think sometimes we're a tad to hard on ourselves.

  2. Sharon Stewart
    Sharon Stewart says:

    The plants are beautiful. Girl you look good and when you make up you really no what to do. Your personality is awesome. So so proud of your hard work with your children. Prayer. Makes it better. What a family.

  3. Tim Strong
    Tim Strong says:

    Why would your son want to be a doctor? Is this the path you want for your son? Is this for prestige and bragging rights only? What's the real reason you "gave up" on the medical profession? As a physician, you can literally wright your own ticket (select where you desire to work) in this country. With eight plus years of advance education, you have Kenton speak regarding medicine even though you're actually the physician. You have actually experienced some of these situations yourself not merely from a textbook. How come your beautiful Mum said she didn't believe/trust/like doctors? Immigrants that come to this country typically don't service Black Americans well. They seem to treat A.A. with disregard and disrespect. Nevertheless, I hope all your children find their happiness both in their chosen fields (whatever that may be) and their personal lives. There's nothing worse than being in a profession that you dislike, right? It really benefits no one.

  4. Kenton & Habiba
    Kenton & Habiba says:

    Thank you for watching this family vlog, meets cooking vlog, shopping, and discussion about "How to raise a child to be a doctor."
    I just wanted to clarify or elaborate on the statements we made about going to medical school in the Caribbean. It started off with Kenton joking about Khalid going to medical school in Grenada. In all seriousness, our comments were geared toward students who are born or raised in the USA🇺🇸In other words Americans or permanent residents who attended university in the USA.
    I have no doubt that many foreign medical schools produce brilliant doctors but to be completely honest there is a real bias against attending medical schools in the Caribbean & Mexico if you are a US citizen or permanent resident and attended university here.
    😅Let me explain: As you are aware getting into medical school in the USA is an extremely competitive process. Less than 50% of the applicants are accepted. You have to meet certain requirements and standardized tests. Those that don't get accepted often try again the following year or go into another medical profession. A few others who don't get into medical school in the US despite going to college in the US choose to apply to medical schools in Mexico or the Caribbean.
    💡FACTS: The accreditation system in the Caribbean and Mexico is less standardized -in other words, inconsistent quality.
    FACTS: Many of these foreign schools will take less competitive American applicants as long as they can pay $$$💵 Lower standard requirements to enter. So as long as the applicant is willing to take out a loan (which often leaves them with thousands of dollars in debt) the school will accept them. Many of these schools do not even require the MCAT which is a standardized test required for all US medical schools.
    FACTS: In the USA where you went to college & medical school matters a great deal to residency programs. An American who trained in a foreign medical school without a really good reason ( besides I couldn't get into any of the schools in the US) will often find it very challenging to match into a US residency program and may have limited options when it comes to what specialty they will practice later- if they plan to practice in the USA.

    Despite everything that I have stated above clearly the medical school you or your child attends is NOT the Final determinant of if the doctor will be great or not. There are many great doctors trained outside of the USA and many choose to relocate here. In contrast, there are also US-raised and trained doctors that give subpar care- so it is not always black or white. I just wanted you to understand the reason behind the bias above.

  5. rose mkini
    rose mkini says:

    Yes Mr putting down Grenada concerning doctors coming out of there.but there are very good doctors that come out of Grenada. There are a numbers of doctors that came out of america a not even functioning as doctors any more young doctors at that.what are they doing .? Hustling on what you talking about?

  6. Nadia Zoe
    Nadia Zoe says:

    A machine for that price and they sent the wrong one is crazy. This time was a better presentation of delivering service. If the last men had went over the paperwork and the use of the machine then they would have realized that it was the wrong one. Men toys are so much scarier, haha

  7. Hibo Samatar
    Hibo Samatar says:

    Hello Habiba and Kenton. I'm goofey too and I'm older than you Habiba. I love my silly, funny, weird, annoying inner child 😄
    Watching you and Bashiir, I can say your mother did a great job…I salute her!


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