How to Make this HOMEMADE Dog Food Recipe in Your INSTANT POT

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How I prepare homemade dog food in my Instant Pot while traveling full-time in my van. It’s so much easier since I travel and have access to grocery stores more …

37 replies
  1. Marie Meyer
    Marie Meyer says:

    Dogs are better off eating raw meat! They don't get bad breath so easily when their meats are raw. You could steam the veg and add everything to the raw meat and serve it that way. Don't forget to add an omega source such as fish oil, flax seed oil, or hemp oil. If you don't have the oils, you can add ground flax seeds, hemp seeds, and/or Chia seeds. Apples are an excellent addition. I used to buy the most expensive dog food and it still gave him cysts all over his body. Since I switched to making his food myself, the cysts have been disappearing. I especially noticed it after I started adding more omegas to his diet. My dog loves tomatoes, carrots, peas, and apples, so I include those as well into his diet. Thanks for sharing your video.

  2. pmelara92
    pmelara92 says:

    How much of the food do you give your dog per serving and how many times a day. I have a 9 and 12 year old chihuaha and Jack russel? One is 10 lbs the other is 20 lbs

  3. Charley 12
    Charley 12 says:

    Man these vid's break my heart – I know you mean well but your hurting your dog lady. Dogs are carnivores not vegan's ( rabbits ) please research your dog food needs its 80% meat protein to 20% non starch veggies like green beans – spinach – pumpkin – squash – exct – please look up home cooked dog foods and what needs to be in them. Chicken liver – heart – beef or chicken – kidney – beef or chicken – don't just through veggies in a insta pot and call in home made dog food cause its not !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no wonder your dog don't finish all its food it feels sick – 80% – 20% non starch veggies .

  4. Breck & Bailey
    Breck & Bailey says:

    We've been cooking for out pups for years, it can be a lot of work but it's so worth it. If you don't have the time to cook for your pup, please check us out we'll do all the cooking and ship you healthy fresh food for you pup. Our company is called Breck & Bailey

  5. Sharon Rinkiewicz
    Sharon Rinkiewicz says:

    I also started homemade dogfood with whatever meat is on sale. This week chicken breast, gizzards, and hearts, potatoes, green beans, pinto beans, eggs with the shell. She loves it.


    Thank you so much for this Video.
    I have been watching many.
    They all haven't been what I was looking for.
    But this was and it was Explained easy.
    And I like how the Ingredients were simple also.
    I am going to get the Ingredients tomro.
    Let's see how it goes.
    I will use Chicke though instead of Turkey.
    My Dog Love Chicken. 🙂

  7. patty stueber
    patty stueber says:

    I like this recipe. I’ve been making a huge pot of similar ingredient and I freeze them in rubbermaid containers.
    I hope have two dogs, one small and the other medium size. I’ve just been noticing that six weeks of the same recipe
    is a bit much. The dogs seem to be getting tired of it. So from now on I’m going to make different recipes to change it up!
    Thanks for this recipe.

  8. The Crafty Realtor
    The Crafty Realtor says:

    We have adopted a rotty mix back in March, right after the pandemic started. We are having such a hard time finding a dog food that he will eat on a regular basis, he’ll eat it for awhile and then just stop eating it. I’m looking for a good, healthy homemade dog food to try that won’t break the bank. This looks pretty good. How many meals will this make?

  9. Deborah Sofia
    Deborah Sofia says:

    Chicken with bones in it are a great source of collagen and probiotics. I would recommend cooking the breasts or legs and then cleaning the bones out. It might be extra work, but the bones is what makes Chicken Soup so good for you. Also, just an FYI, liver should only be used a couple times a week, not every day.

  10. Deborah Sofia
    Deborah Sofia says:

    Good job mom! Just a note about apples, the skins are hard for them to digest. Now, since it's cooked I'm not sure if that makes a difference, but worth looking into. If you buy frozen chopped spinach it might be easier for her to eat 🙂

  11. Anna C.
    Anna C. says:

    I tried cooking my dog's food in the pressure cooker for the first time. I mixed turkey and grass fed beef. Is mixing protein ok? Instead of adding water I added beef bone broth for dogs. Overall it came out good but I thought it was a bit oily probably because of the meats. Is that ok or should I be draining out the oil as much as I could? Tks.

  12. Martha Manigross
    Martha Manigross says:

    Nice! Our 2 dogs are older and both were diagnosed with kidney issues a couple of years ago. Of course the vets want them on a prescription diet, but I did a ton of research and decided to go home made. We use cooked ground turkey, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, and white rice that we soak for 8 hours in water and drain before cooking. We have to use foods that are low oxalate because one dog had bladder stones 2 years ago. The other dog can have foods that he can’t have but they both get the same. I don’t use the IP because we cook them all separate and then mix before feeding but I would like to try your method for when we travel.
    We also have a problem with the one dog not drinking water! The vets look at me funny when we tell them that. Before his bladder surgery he would drink water but they were getting dry dog food. The moisture in the home made food replaces what they would normally drink. We take the brother, use silicone ice trays in the shape of the tubes that fit in water bottles (because I already had them), and freeze the broth. We take one out, nuke it to defrost it and out a teaspoon or so in a water bowl and put about an 8th to a quarter cup of water. It’s their afternoon treat. They lap it right up. We have to limit the protein because the other dog (not the one that had bladder stones) doesn’t process the proteins well.
    We also bake their cookies. A big batch is 2 cans pumpkin (not pie filling but pure pumpkin), 2 of those individual size applesauce with no sugar added, and coconut flour about three cups. We put on a cookie sheet with a small scooper, on parchment paper or a silicone baking mat, and bake at 350 for about 30-45 minutes or until baked through. They can be quite moist and crumbly but the dogs love them.
    I do use supplements – Taurine so they don’t get heart disease, calcium carbonate for one and calcium citrate for the other, a b Vitamin complex, a probiotic, fish oil for one, flax oil for the other. It’s a lot of work, but we were told that the dog that had bladder stones would get them again, no matter what, and we have been told the other dog will have to go on prescription food no matter what, but two years now and they are both doing well, knock wood. Both scarf down their food, and both can’t wait to eat!
    Lily is beautiful. Take care. Thanks for sharing your recipe!

  13. Karen Grimmer
    Karen Grimmer says:

    Our dogs are allergic to any kind of dog food. One extremely to corn. He cannot walk if he eats it (Sheltie). The other an Australian Shepard mix is allergic to wheat. We feed mostly boiled eggs, frozen cooked peas, carrots and green beans, supplemented with canned pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and sardines in water. Also organic chicken and beef with broth. Cooked by us. Sometimes raw beef liver, raw eggs and raw squash. No potatoes, corn, wheat products or non organic meats. I cannot eat turkey products because of the added msg solution. So they don’t either. The basic boiled egg and 1/3 to 1/2 c. Of veggies for each meal is easy and never bothers them. Cheap eggs work or you can use organic, free range. Whatever you can afford. I always give a dash of pink Himalayan salt. I have used it for 5 years. It never raises my blood pressure and has all 85 minerals so I think it works for them. And eggs have all 22 amino acids. We have tried every thing with our dogs sick from dog food, and finally this works. A small electric egg boiler and cooked veggies on the stove or raw, cooked twice a week, put in fridge and you are always prepared.
    I found your you tube channel awhile back. I lost my husband 3 years ago, just sold my house. I love to travel and am looking for a van (I think) to solo in, visit family and friends across the country. I can park near them or at their house for a few days and visit without intruding too much. I will be based out of TX in a small cabin. Sooo looking forward to freedom from home maintenance. Keep the videos coming you are a true inspiration.

  14. Unicorn Codruta
    Unicorn Codruta says:

    great video and food..You mention that your dog does no drink much water. For my dog I find a way to solve that ..and I've been given her ..Ice cubes in the broth in the summer and vegetable broth in the winter without the Ice cubes.. and she gets the water and vitamins too

  15. L Murphy
    L Murphy says:

    Thank you so much for posting this. I made it last night and my dog, who is a very picky eater, chowed down and licked the bowl clean. He has a lot of allergies and can't have any grain so this was perfect. We recently bought a class b and I have a 3 qt instant pot to take along. Would love more cooking tips in a class b.

  16. Kimberly Cunningham
    Kimberly Cunningham says:

    I'd love to try cooking for my 2 dogs!. They both seem to have sensitivities to dry dog food. We've tried all the healthy brands and still having issues.
    How do you figure out how much to give them? My girls are 30lbs (should be closer to 25) and 70lbs. Thanks for being a great fur-mama!

  17. Barb Robertson
    Barb Robertson says:

    Hi . Thanks for your video. I’m just wondering the vegetables should only take 2-3 min. Why 8 min. To make them mushy? Also I add egg. Would it be added at the same time on the top do you think?

  18. Vicki Wohllaib
    Vicki Wohllaib says:

    Vet and Doggie approved Dog food made in instant pot:
    2 whole chicken Thighs, 1 cup brown rice, 1 – 6 inch sweet potato (I peel and chop mine), 2 – 7 inch carrots (chopped), 1 cup shredded spinach (vet says okay, sometimes use frozen spinach when fresh not avail), 2 1/2 cups water, 1/2 tsp finely ground egg shell or calcium supplement. Throw all ingredients in InstantPot. Cook on manual for 23 min, turn off and let natural release. Take chicken off bone, shred (I toss the skin and bone they add flavor) Stir well (or use potato masher) Add 1 teaspoon coconut oil if desired while the mixture is warm.

  19. Susan Warwas
    Susan Warwas says:

    You are such a loving mom to do this for Lily! I also did research online and I worry that Lily is not getting calcium or vitamins. There is a powder you can put in their homemade food that takes care of anything the homemade dog food misses. I believe it is called Dinovite, or something similar. Lily is one lucky gal!

  20. Debbie Bruening
    Debbie Bruening says:

    Hi Amber, I love the recipe and I also cook my dogs homemade food. Now, I did learn from research that protein can be raw and they will not get sick. They have acid in their stomachs that would kill any bacteria. I did try raw with my dogs but it was too complicated and my older dog did not like raw meat. My young small dog loved it. I just ended up cooking it all like you do and mixing different veggies. Hemp seed is also good for them. I add that sometimes. Thanks for the recipe!

  21. laura g
    laura g says:

    That’s looks great, thank you so much for posting this!! Just curious tho… when you grab a bag from the fridge to feed Lily, do you feed it to her cold or warm it up a little?


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