How to Make the ULTIMATE Vegan Mac and Cheese – Healthy & Gluten-free!

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If you are looking to make the most deliciously epic vegan mac and cheese in the entire universe, you’ve stopped in the right …

6 replies
  1. VeganCookingSchool.Org
    VeganCookingSchool.Org says:

    Hi Vegan Love Adventure, Love the video. I'd like to publish is on the VeganCookingSchool's website. May I? I'll also put it on Facebook and Twitter. Can you please provide me with your email, Twitter, and FB addresses? I'll send a link when I get around to sending out an email notification of the upload as well.

    Also we're trying to work in some new features on the website. Our newest adventure would be to video tape interviews with vegan cooks (of all kinds – not just vegan who post on YT) Will you please let me know if you're interested in doing something like that? I'll send you some sample info on the proposed new feature as soon as I have your email address. I also hope to tape my own interview video so I can show others what kind of questions we would look for. Thanks Boe



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