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Did you know that 50% of the food in the United States goes to waste? Not in this house! Nothing is wasted. Because of this, I am …

50 replies
  1. Danielle Terry
    Danielle Terry says:

    I also boil the carcass down remove the bones it’s amazing how much more meat you get, drain, save the broth and can it up, then use the meat for more meals, like pot pies and casserole, or tacos , so ask for that turkey carcass at thanksgiving or that ham bone 😁 don’t be shy it can give you many meals

  2. M S
    M S says:

    If you added cooked rice to the crockpot stuff you would have had actual full meals from it. $22 bucks for a car wash? But you skimp on your sustenance? Whew.

  3. cheryl s xavier
    cheryl s xavier says:

    Remember if you have even a teaspoon of vegetables you don't eat, put them in a bag in the freezer and when you get a bag full, you have a big baggie for vegetables for soup!😁

  4. KTG
    KTG says:

    Notice you use foil instead of plastic wrap. Do you prefer and why?? Enjoy all of your videos. Thank you. Always learn something new!

  5. Amy N
    Amy N says:

    Get yourself a couple of those long meat forks from a carving set to lift the chicken out of the pan. From a thrift store, of course!

  6. Terry Lynn
    Terry Lynn says:

    One pigeon size chicken costs 14 dollars where I live in Canada. I have been buying boneless skinless chicken thighs, bone in thighs and boneless skinless chicken breasts instead.

  7. Claire Adams
    Claire Adams says:

    Great vid. I do really similar, slight differences being: I coat the chicken with half a lemon & olive oil then use the rind as stuffing (& I don't use any butter); I roast a tray of potatoes & vegies on the other shelf in oven; I add a splash of wine or lemon juice into the gravy; I add a few bay leaves & peppercorns into the stock and use some of it to make chicken risotto with the leftover chicken, as well using some for soup. 🙂

  8. TrueNorth747
    TrueNorth747 says:

    Also the 3 vacuum packed chicken meat bags are not 3 meals. Those are another at least 10 meals. You can add rice to one bag and make a chicken rice casserole. Second can be added to pasta, and it's a pasta chicken bake. Third is a chicken chili . Fillers added to the chicken also have protein and calories, and with some veggies it's a complete meal. Cheers.

  9. Wendy Finer
    Wendy Finer says:

    I learned my frugal self sufficient ways from my grandmother who was the oldest of four daughters during the Great Depression. When I asked her what the Great depression was like, she said we were poor but we didn't know we were poor, because everyone was poor, and we always had enough to eat. They had chickens, and a garden. They canned and put up their harvest. They knew how to forage. They knew which mushrooms were edible, and often collected dandelion greens. They also did not waste a thing. These are good skills to have. When history repeats, it's going to be a lot harder because most people lack these skills. Thank you for posting your videos. I do believe they will be an invaluable resource in the near future.

  10. J B
    J B says:

    Awesome video! Thanks…. I won't tell you how far my mouth dropped when I saw you open your oven door… "what? NO glass?" I'm pushing 60 and I'm trying to remember if I've ever seen such😳

  11. Emma Dalrymple
    Emma Dalrymple says:

    Rocky has the best life! When you were massaging the bird, it was like the Rocky rub-downs. Liked how you cut the breasts open. Looked great! I could feel your mom and grandma's presecence, when sharing your prepping. Chef Prepare Princess! Give Wolfgang competition, lol.

  12. Patti S.
    Patti S. says:

    be careful of pyrex on an open flame…. i was making gravey and it exploded…. don't know if i was more upset about losing my pan or the delicious gravey…

  13. kaythegardener
    kaythegardener says:

    After roasting the chicken, add2 cups or so of hot to boiling water to rinse out the pan, then brown flour on cast iron pan large enough to hold fknished gravy. Then no danger of breaking Pyrex on burner. Ot her 6 lb chickem might fit in a small metal roaster that can go on the stive later (a la Thanksgiving bird) .


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