How to Make Meat Powder (DIY)

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In this video, we’ll cover the exact steps and information you’ll need to make meat powder. You can read more here: and sign up at …

33 replies
  1. David Peterzell
    David Peterzell says:

    When I saw your video on meat powder, it rang a bell. I recalled that meat powder is the stuff fed to dogs 90-130 years ago by Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov in his Nobel Prize winning studies of digestion, as well as his famous classical conditioned reflex experiments. Maybe that's trivia, but it's what he fed his dogs (actually a full-scale kennel) during extremely hard times including long freezing winters, shortages, famines, revolution, assassinations, and war. Somehow, Pavlov managed to survive despite early poverty and later open contempt of the Bolsheviks and Stalin. I'm thinking Pavlov and his meat powder should go into the Prepper Hall of Fame.

  2. pattianne pascual
    pattianne pascual says:

    can we dehydrate and long store either real or plant based shredded cheese? I tried several plant based cheeses,I found a couple just as good as milk based, was wondering if the plant based ones,since they contain no dairy,would be good to dry for an emergency.

  3. Luke Gibbins
    Luke Gibbins says:

    Boiling leeches nutrients from the meats and vegetables. You'll retain way more nutrition in your meat powder if you don't boil it, but cook the meat and vegetables in the oven, then dehydrate.

  4. Soleil Cucumber Lime
    Soleil Cucumber Lime says:

    cool. i made some pemmican last month, basically meat powder mixed with tallow. i threw a chunk in a skillet and scrambled it into some eggs and it was pretty good. i'm looking forward to being able to have a legit meat source in my pantry for the rainy days ahead.

  5. goofy roofy
    goofy roofy says:

    Great video!!! wayyyyy back in the day used to take desiccated liver tabs for the gym, these seem in the same arena.

    I'd be curious if you made a batch without the vegetables in it, if the shelf life would be extended, sort of like how pemmican without berries last longer? Could always dehydrate the vegetables separately if you wanted to add them to the dish.

    I do a similar thing with ground beef (minus the turning to powder) if you check out Cairn of Dunn Croft's channel, he has a video on how to make it. It's been a godsend in having to avoid getting an extra freezer, have about 220-250 wet weight of ground beef dried out & been good so far, oldest ones from May are still like the day they we dried, but am looking forward to trying out the hearts as well. I would imagine you could do it with most glands, although for liver i'd want to get it from grass fed cows vs plain ol grocery store due to the toxins. Thanks so much for this great addition to the ol R&B, while they will keep you from starving, without stuff like this a person wont be at their peak condition. Keep up the great videos XD


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