How to Make Mashed Potatoes with the Instant Pot

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Here’s ANOTHER reason to use your Instant Pot! Speed up your cooking time when making mashed potatoes. Pressure cooking big chunks of potatoes only …

25 replies
  1. denlea5
    denlea5 says:

    Love your videos! I do just cut potatoes in half, and use a steamer basket- that way I cook 5 minutes and NPR. I love Better than Boullion no chik'n base to mashed.

  2. sn232
    sn232 says:

    2 questions:
    1. Would a regular wand handheld mixer work?
    2. Is there any way to transport/store/reheat this 1 1/2 hours later so it tastes just a delicious?

  3. Diana Long
    Diana Long says:

    😇💜😇 Hi-5. so excited just wanted you to know test it out my beautiful ipot. and of course like you said next thing I knew I was making rice, lentils, then I decided to try mashed potatoes they're cooking now so I will let you know yum yum yum it's really interesting I've had that thing sitting in the kitchen in the Box for probably 4 days looking at it scared spitless! finally decided to open the box and just dive in and watching you for weeks about it and others but it's different and change can be really a challenge to someone 62 years of age I've done things a certain way all my life this was not the norm and you know how it is about adjusting to anything outside of our comfort zone LOL so just thanks to you I did it we did it together I couldn't have done it without you you're the best.

    VICKIE WHITE says:

    Thanks for the how to, Jill! I just made yukon gold potatoes in the IP and they are awesome! So quick and easy! I wanted to share that I was out of almond milk..husband drank the last of it at breakfast and I didn't notice so when the potatoes were done I saved the potato water and added some of it back in to the potatoes to mix with. They are so delicious and since I subscribe to The Mcdougall Starch Solution I am not worried about too much starch. 🙂 Yummy!

  5. Sea Grape
    Sea Grape says:

    This did not work for me.. but I may not have waited the 5 mins. I'd if you say that in the video. but I have your book. so should have read that first. Also I put in 1 cup of water.. anyways here is to a 2nd try! LOL

  6. Noraine Phillips-Deguire
    Noraine Phillips-Deguire says:

    Hello! I am still learning to use my Instant Pot. Yes, they should pay you because you love their product and use it all the time. Love your videos and your great sense of humor. Please keep on doing these videos. God bless you in all that you do!


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