How to Make Incredible Beef Top Loin Roast

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Test cook Dan Souza makes host Bridget Lancaster the ultimate Beef Top Loin Roast with Potatoes. Get the recipe for Beef Top …

47 replies
  1. Native Texan
    Native Texan says:

    First time I've come across this channel. But living at the beach, our guest are ready for the luscious bounty of the Gulf of Mexico, which we love. But when our local family get together we are serving up Texas Beef. Steaks, delicious roasts, BBQ Brisket and Pork Ribs.
    I am going to love your channel!!

  2. Rob
    Rob says:

    For those wondering about temperature… I did this yesterday for Christmas dinner. By far the best roast I’ve made in years. Took it off at 116 in the thinner end and left the probe in. Carryover cooking took it all the way to 133.8 at center after a 25 minute rest. I was skeptical it would go so high but it did. Pretty much perfect for most but I might pull it at 110 next time to leave the thickest part more like 127-28 for those who like closer to rare like me. Also – believe the hype about the potatoes, they are phenomenal. The whole room was ooohs and ahhs. Thanks ATK for this great method.

  3. Bill McHale
    Bill McHale says:

    Sitting down now after Christmas dinner. I used the above recipe as the basis of my Christmas Dinner for my family. Only alterations… 1. I didn't peal the potatoes, I like the skin on Yukon Gold Potatoes and 2. I used dry sage and rosemary. I was still a home run. My kids ate it, my Mom and my wife both loved it. Easily the best Holiday meal I have ever made!. Dan absolutely rocks BTW, I love his short videos, but he is great on here as well. And yes, this produces a roast that rivals Standing Rib roast with flavor and tenderness.

  4. MomofScout
    MomofScout says:

    Going to try this for Christmas, minus the potatoes. Love these but by family prefers mashed. I know…. trying to figure this out without the potatoes is alittle interesting

  5. Pinano
    Pinano says:

    This is the second cooking video that I have found (two different sources) in which the word "unctuous" was used to mean "scrumptious." (In this video, it occurred at 7:05) In the dictionary, the word "unctuous" means "(of a person) excessively or ingratiatingly flattering; oily." or "(chiefly of minerals) having a greasy or soapy feel."
    But I knew what you all meant. I look forward to trying this – recipes sourced from you all do not go wrong πŸ™‚

  6. Forrest Gump
    Forrest Gump says:

    Just made this recipe for my family, it is a show stopper! Everyone could not stop saying how delicious everything was. Excellent step by step directions are easy to follow and result in a meal that is close to utter perfection.

  7. jettron1
    jettron1 says:

    Looks so delicious but I can't imagine that the potatoes were that good to add so much extra time and effort to make. I'd rather have some delicious mashed potatoes with my roast anyway and……where is the veg? Should have thrown in some carrots with the potatoes.

  8. Mike Elek
    Mike Elek says:

    I really am enjoying this series of videos. There is some really great instruction here. Unfortunately, Dan is so good that this seems effortless. Some day, I'll get to that level. Hey, we can all dream.

  9. Outcast76
    Outcast76 says:

    Back when I was in culinary school there used to be huge pictures of food all over the walls in certain areas where the staff would work. This would definitely be worthy of a large permanent photo display. Freaking beautiful! One thing that surprises me though. Neither one of you ever mentioned fondant potatoes. Which is essentially what you made right alongside your roast here. Yes, the method is adapted slightly, but those are essentially fondant potatoes. In any case, now I am looking forward to the holiday season so I can make this for my family for Christmas. Amazing!

  10. Keith Freitas
    Keith Freitas says:

    When they present a dish, it's a team effort to get to the Chef that is presenting it. Of course the Chef presenting has worked with the team and has to have personality. That is why everyone watching have their favorite Chef.

  11. MaZEEZaM
    MaZEEZaM says:

    I grew up with pretty ordinary beef roasts as a fairly regular meal so as an adult I rarely eat beef but this looks like a beef roast I would enjoy. Thanks for the recipe.


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