How To Make Easy Healthy Vegan Cheese – Oil-free, Soy-free

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INGREDIENTS STEP 1 ½ cup soaked cashews (soaked for a min. of 2 hrs) 1 ¼ cup water 3.5 tbsp arrowroot powder ⅛ tsp garlic …

40 replies
  1. J Denton
    J Denton says:

    What, make my own vegan cheese! 😮 Have mercy!😂 I love cheese and the store bought vegan cheese is just not doing it for me, especially for making lasagna. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  2. L'Osti D'Végan
    L'Osti D'Végan says:

    Cashew nuts are not vegan as far as I know. This may seem crazy to you at first sight. But the explosion of demand and capitalism put women in dangerous situations for their health. Indeed, in many poor countries, the facilities and machines do not protect their skin (including that of the fingers) from the costic acid contained in the shell of its nuts. If you are vegan in order to avoid animal suffering, it is therefore morally obligatory not to consume it if you are not 100% sure that no women have been injured in the factories where they work ( fair food and without forced labour). Let's remember first of all that humans are animals themselves, and that they have no radical difference with other species, we are just an apex predator, with car keys ^^; . Either way, I don't eat any more because it's impossible for me to know if the fair trade food money really goes to his wives, or if it doesn't fall into the pocket of the factory manager or the company and of its shareholders. Remember, when you buy nuts (or other food) in large quantities for cheap in "store-warehouse" (not to name a name) you are fueling a demand that poor countries cannot support and therefore for you to have super prices on the quantity, huamins are exploited.

  3. tuercacaso
    tuercacaso says:

    Javant, bless your heart — and your creativity! I have made various vegan cheeses from recipes I found either in cookbooks, magazines, and online. All contained some ingredient that I was reluctant to use (for one reason or another) but NOW???? Nothing in your recipe for this cheese has ANYTHING I object to! Of the others I have made previously that didn't have a no-no ingredient, they weren't worth making more than that one time.

    You have my hopes up, Javant — and let me tell you, just FEELING hopeful is so exciting! But it's you who's putting the recipe out and I've followed you long enough (what, about a month? LOL) that I KNOW it's gonna be worth making more than once. Dang, I AM excited about this! Like others here have already commented, giving up cheese is a SAD DAY. Now? Oh yeah….. gonna do this thing for real! In a few more days, we're gonna roll out the JVC — Javant's Vegan Cheese — and MAKE OUR OWN!

    Much love, my brother, much love.


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