How to Make Deli-Style Roast Beef Lunch Meat – Ultimate Roast Beef Sandwich

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How to Make Deli-Style Roast Beef Lunch Meat – Ultimate Roast Beef Sandwich This is how to brine cure a beef roast, cook it low and slow with a bit of smoke; …

35 replies
  1. monmixer
    monmixer says:

    I have a meat slicer. thanks, I'll be trying this and using the meat slicer that inherited, did not buy and never use. that way the wife can't make me get rid of it. lol

  2. Megan Drake
    Megan Drake says:

    I see you often use dried bayleaves in your recipes. You should try using fresh. It is so much nicer. I buy in bulk, and they freeze very well, provided they are kept in an air free ziplock bag. Since using fresh, I will never go back to dried. It is a completely different flavour, so much more fragrant.

  3. Anime Red
    Anime Red says:

    hi, glen, that looks really good, I live in an apartment, and only have access to a basic non-convection oven. any idea's on how I could do this in an oven??? thank you for any suggestions.

  4. Ted Williams
    Ted Williams says:

    I was just talking about doing this a couple days ago. Corning two one for corned beef the second pastrami then a third just roast beef. Now I shall endeavor so to do. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. David Kearnes
    David Kearnes says:

    Looked like actual authentic ciabatta. Have not seen that in a while since the mass market got a hold of it and turned it in to something different. Nice "eyes" (occhi) not like the store bought fine crumb garbage. The mustard looked great as well.


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