How to Make Chicken Noodle Soup | Kenji's Cooking Show

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Donate to No Kid Hungry here: This is how I make chicken noodle soup. Sometimes.

28 replies
  1. Kyle W
    Kyle W says:

    am I crazy or did you put the finishing veggies directly onto the platter that had the raw chicken on it? and then used it again later? was there a cleaning step you didn't include?

  2. bo reddude
    bo reddude says:

    speaking of cooked chicken skin for dogs, you should never feed cooked chicken bones to your dog. the bones will shred into shards and cut up their stomach and make them sick.

  3. Brandon Fish
    Brandon Fish says:

    Hey Kenji I don't expect you to read this but I'm curious of your thoughts on this video by James Hoffman, where he juices the vegetables to get a smaller surface area and makes a stock out of that to increase the flavor. Therefore having less of the flavor being contained in the vegetables themselves.

  4. Chayanat S
    Chayanat S says:

    Hi @J. Kenji López-Alt. I have a question to ask. I am trying to make pork ribs broth/stock and was wondering if the methods are the same. Do i put the ribs and bones in a cold pot together with the stock vegetables and aromatics and bring it up to a boil and then simmer? Because i've seen. many recipes putting the rib and bones into a boiling pot of water and then vegetables. Thanks.

  5. Chris Ohmer
    Chris Ohmer says:

    I've wanted to know what you think about James Hoffman's stock video! Maybe a collaboration in the future? Both of you have great scientific eyes and it is something I really appreciate in modern cooking and coffee brewing


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