How to Make Chicken Fried Rice on a Griddle | Start to Finish

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Chicken Fried Rice is one of the main reasons I bought my griddle. This video is a easy beginner version step by step from start to …

49 replies
  1. Johnny Brunet
    Johnny Brunet says:

    Thanks so much for watching everyone I really appreciate it. Let me know if you have any tips or tricks for fried rice below. I'd love for this video to be as helpful as possible for new griddle owners.

  2. BBQDad463
    BBQDad463 says:

    Thank you for this video.
    I recently got my first griddle. This was my first dish.
    Other than the fact that I used a tiny bit too much toasted, sesame oil, it was superb!

  3. John John
    John John says:

    I'm a bit suspect on your food safety practices. Raw chicken handling with both spatulas and then the eggs. Didn't see much more than a quick swipe with a towel. Should be using a clean sanitized one when u finish and serve. I see this all the time and I'm sure people rarely get sick but the one time you do your family won't be happy.

  4. kat.mandoo
    kat.mandoo says:

    I like to throw in a little brown sugar,ginger,garlic and a splash of apple juice… is it exactly authentic, no but I’ve Taylored it to what I like to eat. Like I’ll use green onions and carrots but don’t normally have them and I hate peas, what I do ALWAYS have is bell peppers and yellow onions, so that’s what I always use. If I have the others I’ll use it or if I know ahead of time that I’m gonna make it I might pick some up but I don’t stress over it. Besides I grew up learning to use what you have and improvise. As long as it tastes good.

  5. Colin O'Brien
    Colin O'Brien says:

    Tried this last weekend. Rice was the biggest issue. Very sticky. Even after letting it cool in fridge. My assumption is that I didn't rinse the rice enough. Tips on that part?

    Also my favorite chinese restaurant does bean sprouts. Any suggestions on adding those into this cook? I am guessing you want to throw them in late?

  6. Ty Henderson
    Ty Henderson says:

    Kudos Johnny. This recipe and set of instructions are awesome! Just made CFR for the first time and it was a huge hit. Had to make it again (and doubled the recipe) to freeze and send home with my college kid. Everyone raved about it. Thanks so much for all you do.

  7. Sladeofdark
    Sladeofdark says:

    You won't believe this , but since i got my Masterbuilt 800 recently I have not touched my Blackstone, especially for fried rice. The Blackstone just not get hot enough to glaze the rize and rapidly evaporate any water in the veggies fast enough. The Masterbuilt maintains 470 wiht tons of material on it.. really impressive.

  8. Matt Sump
    Matt Sump says:

    Just got a griddle this week and gotta say these have been the best to watch so far. Smash burgers tonight, big breakfast tomorrow and I think I gotta make this fried rice now for next week! Thank you for the tips!

  9. J L
    J L says:

    Got our Blackstone the other day and just put it together. We've got to do your recipes. I've watched several and I think breakfast will be first. Love how you take the time to explain everything. Us newbies need all the help we can get. Thank you. Good job!!

  10. HeavyInstinct
    HeavyInstinct says:

    Have you tried doing this at higher temperatures? Wok cooking is traditionally done over very high heat and it does impart a different flavor to the food. You just need to be sure to keep the food moving to prevent burning. I actually have an outdoor wok station with a high BTU burner for this purpose. Another advantage to this is that your food is ready very quickly. Just a suggestion. I did enjoy the video.

  11. Jayde WithSomeBeans
    Jayde WithSomeBeans says:

    Was wanting to try cooking my own fried rice for a while now, and your video was very straightforward and easy to follow! Made a bit of egg fried rice a few days ago, and just made a ton more today with chicken and steamed brocolli; managed to make it correctly both times without burning or undercooking it, all thanks to this guide! :]

  12. AUChaplain FCI
    AUChaplain FCI says:

    For the very first time, ever, I cooked chicken fried rice following your video and recipe. My family loved it. I couldn't believe I cooked it correctly the first time I tried. Thank you for this video and for making it easy to follow. Keep making videos and I'll be a great chef on the griddle. Take care.


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