How to make an Eye of Round Roast

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You can make an Eye of Round roast very easily. This takes just a couple of ingredients. An eye of round roast, salt, pepper, and olive oil. You don’t need to …

40 replies
  1. Rae Vandenberg
    Rae Vandenberg says:

    I have never had success with roasts. They are always too tough. My understanding is that slicing this cut very thinly really helps with making it seem less tough. I need to buy an electric carving knife as I can never slice it as thinly as I see others doing.

  2. ryan
    ryan says:

    this type of cut is touph the best way for this cut is in the slow cooker on high for 7 hours with half water you need to get that water boiling to break down the connitive tissue and fats and it will be falling apart and moist then you make beef dip out of it and put it on a nice fresh bun with some horseradish….mmmmm

  3. Anthony A
    Anthony A says:

    My dad would this cook this cut every Sunday, because it was an affordable way to have roast beef. He would stuff garlic into the meat then salt pepper oil then cook it at 325 for 15 minutes a pound then add extra 15 minutes and it came out perfect every time!

  4. Boomer Taylor
    Boomer Taylor says:

    One major thing. Sear it in a pan first then cook at 200 degrees, 20 min a pound, then turn off oven and let stand in oven another hour or so. Med rare from very edge to center. Takes a little longer but better result. Less dry and more even.

  5. Bev H
    Bev H says:

    You are very polite with all the comments that are constructive criticism, I applaud you for that, and even answering them with humility. Excellent.

  6. Frank Burns
    Frank Burns says:

    Why does jazz go so well with cooking? I thought it was just me, because my mom would be playing jazz or jazz/rock fusion while cooking up a storm, and filling the house with aromas of deliciousness. Thought it was just that association, but it seems to be a recurring thing with cooking videos. Anywho, haven't watched this one yet, beyond the intro, but I'm sure I'll give it a try based on the like-dislike ratio. So thanks in advance.


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