How to Make a Real MRE for Under $5

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prepping #survival #mre UPDATE: It looks like I may have jumped the gun on this one in an attempt tor provide a cost solution for people on a budget. I indeed …

44 replies
  1. Canadian Prepper
    Canadian Prepper says:

    UPDATE: It looks like I may have jumped the gun on this one in an attempt tor provide a cost solution for people on a budget. I indeed cannot guarantee it is going to be 100% safe and therefore I will have to amend or retract this video. I wouldnt want to provide any information that could compromise the health of my viewers after reading more about retort canning it looks as its a much more cost intensive process involving specialized canners/ sealers. This is a topic I may revisit in the future.

    For this video I followed some general principles used to make military MREs which would likely be sufficient but not 100% safe therefore the video must be redacted. i.e. boiling the water inside the airtight low oxygen mylar bag thereby sterilizing and killing any bacteria that could have been put into it. I referenced this article and others for this project but didnt do sufficient research Here is more info I apologize for the errors.

  2. Frodrick Fronkensteen
    Frodrick Fronkensteen says:

    Half a million+… I get that you need to keep video VOLUME up and ticking, but when food is concerned… damn?!
    Now I have to go back through all previous and review for redactions. (I'm talking my own food preps for the fam)
    Not crapping on you, your channel or videos… just saying… this is health and lives… this his serious. Be careful man!

  3. Nii P.
    Nii P. says:

    Unfortunately, all that plastic is part of the problem! If we need that much plastic for a single meal, it will kill our planet as quickly as we'll get starving away afterwards.

  4. Kris Sisk
    Kris Sisk says:

    This method is not safe. You need to use a pressure cooker to heat it hot enough to kill any botulism spores that are in there, about 250F for an hour or two. And unfortunately you can't use an instant pot for this. You need an old fashioned pressure cooker that you can verify the pressure in. The exact pressure you need depends on where you are, or, more specifically, your elevation.

    EDIT: Ok, I saw your comment. You don't need a super expensive pressure canner to do it. Any pressure cooker will do provided you get the right jiggler. You can get them around $50-60.

  5. Michael Ponthieux
    Michael Ponthieux says:

    Why not just get a chamber vacuum system . I've been having one for the last 4 years Thing is a life saver and when saving food.. I got mine for around 600 bucks it takes some investment but the bags are so much cheaper than regular food but then regular food saver bags


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  7. SlimShady 76
    SlimShady 76 says:

    Today's canned foods don't last long b4 becoming metal tasting nasty. Chunky soup didn't last 3 months b4 metal taste. I just had a 2.5 year old can of chef boy rdee ravioli and it was horrible. Some kroger fruit cans smelled like mold also 2.5 years old. Today's cans are cheap crap.

  8. Michael Kobb
    Michael Kobb says:

    To make your own energy bars, the only things you need are oatmeal, peanut butter, and honey. Mix it all together. Getting the right consistency is the hardest part. From there, you can form strips and bake them to the hardness you want. You can seal them for later if you want. I don't know how long they would last. I haven't tried. That is just a thought to toss out there.

  9. Georgia Gunn
    Georgia Gunn says:

    Upon opening if you bring to a boiling temperature for 10 minutes would that render the botulism inactive. That is what our ancestors did when they water bath canned low acid foods before pressure canners. But low acid foods were water bathed at least 3 (three) hours.
    Of course if you used freeze dried foods you wouldn't need to worry unless it was not processed fully and moisture remained.

  10. Chris Tracey
    Chris Tracey says:

    Do not let the flamless heater come in contact with your food! You’re going to ingest the chemical. Idk if that is what just happened in that video but thought it worth a mention. Put the heater in a bag, usually the bag it comes in, put sealed MRE in bag and then pour in water and just fold over the top. I’ve seen guys seal them tight and have them explode. At least the flamless heaters we used in the CAF

  11. Monique Levesque
    Monique Levesque says:

    You're water bath canning "bag" low acid food very dangerous botulism spore will not be destroyed!
    low acid food needs to be pressure canned with retort bag. If you want it in a bag. I've been looking for 3 month for options in Canada, have not found any at this point but I will post all my other USA contact in the following comment.

  12. Jorge D Martinez Mayol
    Jorge D Martinez Mayol says:

    QUESTION: So as long as the food you have prepared is low to no fat you should be able to put in milar bag and boil to make it last a good amount of time? Also what would you say the average time frame for food to last is? Example rice, mash potatoes, beef, pork, chicken, etc…

  13. Tracie Ramson
    Tracie Ramson says:

    I am going to make my own " MRE " using the Hormel Complete meals with snack size cookies and a Bottle of water and a snack size Baggie to use as my accessories pack which I will fill with a Water flavoring and an Instant Coffee packet and condiments for whatever works with the Entree plus a box of can add wet wipes, napkins and the Toilet paper tablets and finally some Gum or Wrapped Hard Candies.


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