How to Make a Homemade Artisan Bread Recipe | Seriously the Best Bread Recipe Ever!

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As I get more comfortable with baking homemade bread, each recipe just seems to get better and better. While the measurements …

20 replies
  1. ByngerX
    ByngerX says:

    This Video: "Exact Measurements are needed or else things just don't turn out"

    Adam Ragusea Video: "I'm not measuring anything, my new favourite thing is to let the spoon measure for me"

  2. S
    S says:

    Hi Chef! I noticed that you didnt score the bread. Many bakers say its a MUST do manipulation to help the bread to get out the air during the baking process. But your bread looks wonderful! Another question : I dont like to use the dutch oven. Can i just bake it on the pizza stone with spraying some water inside the oven to create the nice crust? Thanks.

  3. Liv
    Liv says:

    GUYS. as a person who has never made bread in their life until I made this. IT WAS SO EASY. I haven’t tried it yet bc I’m letting it cool so I can have some with my dinner. BUT OMG IM SO HAPPY. AND IM ONLY 14

  4. Robert Vickery
    Robert Vickery says:

    TBH dude his bread doesn't reflect the the amount of water the recipe calls for (80% hydration). 80% hydration is HIGH and not really for beginner bread bakers. Also 80% hydration bread has a much larger crumb (holes in the bread) than his loaf has here…Suspect imo lol. I would cut the water content if you want something like his to around 60-70%

  5. David Krull Loves Jesus
    David Krull Loves Jesus says:

    Why do people think they have to change things to make them better. Learn from past? People have been baking for thousands of years without scales! Accurate measurements are critical in baking but address the issue. You need to take the air out of flour w measuring. You tap the measuring cup or better yet…sift it. A cup of flour is a cup of flour. Don’t complicate baking. This is America. Not Europe. We do not use metric system! Be round of our ways.

  6. Andrew Doty
    Andrew Doty says:

    i’ve made this bread 3 times now, and every single time its looks NOTHING like yours. I use the act gram amount of everything, but somehow, its just WAY too sticky. Has nowhere near the elasticity and firmness yours seems to have. Wtf am I doing wrong mates

  7. Charley Forrest
    Charley Forrest says:

    I confess this video puzzles me. This recipe is 80% hydration, with 00 flour which generally is not that absorbent. This dough should start out wet, and it would take some experience to put some strength into it. Instead, we see a firm dough straight from the get go. I see a lot of comments about folk having slack dough – that's understandable. Multiply the amount of flour you are going to use by 65%, and start using that amount of water. As your skills increase, add more to 70%, 75%, even the 80% here.

  8. jordan mcfarren
    jordan mcfarren says:

    Ultra frustrated, every loaf I make is always the exact measurements to the T and the dough turns out a sticky mess. Even after hours of proofing the dough is shiny and slacky.
    Is my yeast wrong? It's the little 21g packet of active dry yeast, weighed out to only 3 grams.


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