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Going gluten-free can be challenging at times, check out my helpful tips for making the transition to a gluten-free diet as well as a list of my favorite gluten-free …

45 replies
  1. The Foody Friends
    The Foody Friends says:

    Great resources and info! We have a cooking show for KIDS with food allergies (particularly gluten, dairy, and nuts) and are always looking for great info to share with our viewers. We will definitely be sharing. Thanks!!

  2. Dee Ferry
    Dee Ferry says:

    Great video Ashley, I've just been diagnosed Coeliac and have only been gluten free for 2 weeks. Your tips were great, unfortunately I can't get any of the goods your recommended as I live in Scotland UK but the tips were great. I cook, so I make my own cookies, biscuits etc. I'm still trying to make GF bread thats edible, no luck so far but I'll keep trying. Thanks again

  3. Deetles Bug
    Deetles Bug says:

    I am sure that most of you know that going gluten-free is more than just food. You cannot use any form of plastic storage containers utensils and salon. It is highly recommended that you buy stainless steel cookware as well.
    I not only have stainless steel cookware, but I also have stainless steel utensils and cooking supplies. I have glass storage containers and glass and ceramic bakeware. Plastic of any kind absorbs gluten.
    I was diagnosed with celiac‘s several years ago. I thought going on a diet and that cost me. I’m not only have celiac‘s disease, but I also have the skin disorder that goes with it. It is called herpetiformis dermatitis. So before going gluten free, my reaction to gluten’s would show up on my skin. There would be blister like bubbles of pus that burn when you drain them. These blisters would show up on my knees, elbows, and the back of my neck. They were very painful!
    What helped me the most is having people that are already gluten-free help me with questions, and my wonderful husband who did all the research about cooking items and how to be safe in the kitchen. One of the things that would cause a gluten reaction is GMO-based foods. You can find this even in your fruits and vegetables. The way you can tell, is they don’t have much of any flavor. I can always tell the difference between a real banana and a GMO-based banana even if I don’t have a reaction.
    So if you go gluten-free, always find someone to be your mentor or your support person to help you and support you. It makes the process so much easier and faster. God bless you all and God bless my mom and my little sister for helping me as well!

  4. Wilmar Gutierrez-Pelaez
    Wilmar Gutierrez-Pelaez says:

    Oats does contain a certain kind of Gluten protein, which can cause problems. Check this study out:

    The thing is, this protein's concentration is much lower than in wheat, Rye, etc.

    Rice, like all grains, also contains a gluten protein, but again, in a lower concentration, experts say:

    This is why some experts suggest to avoid all grains, but I guess the effect varies from person to person. I'm currently dealing with the subject myself :/

  5. Nexus Six
    Nexus Six says:

    What did you tell or ask your dr about in order to get your blood tested against 100 foods. How did you convince them to that?????
    They never seem to want to do any tests

  6. Stu S
    Stu S says:

    Video not needed just quit the gluten. You will find that you don't need bread pasta Cookies Cakes you can live fine without all those things believe it or not.

  7. mjblue84
    mjblue84 says:

    I have celiac disease and have had it for almost 5 years. I cannot do corn…it is a grain and it is high in prolamines…the higher the prolamines, the greater the chance for a reaction. Rice is low in Prolamines, so I don't have a problem with rice. Also, with celiac disease, gluten can be in your hair color, shampoo, body wash, make up, tooth paste and vitamins…so please check your labels or go to gluten free websites and see which ones are safe to use.

  8. Sonya Bowles
    Sonya Bowles says:

    I have to have corn starch to cook chicken soup and gravies… Corn starch is gluten free right? And soy sauce, I am picky about soy sauce. I don't like natural brewed soy sauce, like Kikoman. I like soy sauces like chun king and LaChoy.

  9. IsadellaEstelPolanco
    IsadellaEstelPolanco says:

    Thank you so much for this video cause it's so painful whenever I eat anything with gluten that I cry and sometimes even throw up. I got told by my Gastroenterologist to stop all dairy and gluten cause I'm allergic to it. I just didn't know where to even start. Thank you. May the Lord bless your heart.

  10. Thales Nemo
    Thales Nemo says:

    No,no no ——-ALL GRAINS ARE EVIL!!! All members of the grass family have similar proteins structures and no potatoes they are from the nightshade family!

    I mostly go with meats !

  11. sharon anderson
    sharon anderson says:

    I bought some barley only to find it involved gluten. I used to eat spelt.tht was hard to let go. I love banana sandwiches. Everytime I ate one I would feel awful. I am hoping eating one on gluten free bread will help.

  12. Otto Travel Co.
    Otto Travel Co. says:

    Thank you for this great video. I found it super helpful. We live in a van and are already vegan but looking to go gf too. Are all corn tortillas gf? Or is every brand different?

  13. Chey Rose
    Chey Rose says:

    I have a question … We are trying to go gluten free and I've been experimenting with 1 to 1 GF flours when you're using a 1 to 1 do you need to use xanthan gum in bread, baking recipes always? I can't seem to find a good rule of thumb on it. I hear for every cup do a tsp of xanthan gum.


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