How to cook chuck steak (sous vide)

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I see so many people here cooking with multi-hundred dollar wagyu and that’s fine but there are ways to make humble cuts like …

29 replies
  1. MommaLily
    MommaLily says:

    Thank you for listing your specs Chef! A friend was literally just speaking to me about food I mentioned sous vide, and suddenly decided to gift me late birthday money. And now, I have to do research on how to properly do it. And I was just thinking about you & your sous vide video. Thank you again for sharing which one you used! Helps me & saves time on researching on all of these brands.

  2. Infinite Legends
    Infinite Legends says:

    Here’s a tip if you dont own a vacuum seal but still have a Sous Vide machine:

    Use the hot water IN the sous vide POT that you’re already heating to seal it using water displacement! Saves time and your sink!

  3. Rey
    Rey says:

    quick question, everyone recommends you turn your bag juices into sauce, but every time I've tried it congeals into this gross grey stuff in the beefy liquid. what am I doing wrong? how do you treat your leftover sous vide juice? thanks!

  4. Seth Ellis
    Seth Ellis says:

    I love, love, love reverse sear for all sorts of things (thick pork chops, veal chops on the bone are my two favorites). I love your presentation style and think you'd do a great job sharing the technique. I always go back to Serious Eats for a refresh on the technique but seeing you walk through all the ins and outs would be useful, for sure.

    Thanks for the great videos. xxo

  5. Z S
    Z S says:

    I'm sorry, when you got to the point where people were calling flakey salt a "fad" I actually started laughing out loud. S#it's funny.

  6. bladewolf39
    bladewolf39 says:

    I appreciate this video. I feel like the kobe steak videos are really more of a flex, as with a lot of TikTok cooking videos. Being able to make something amazing out of something cheap and affordable is honestly an underappreciated skillset.

  7. LadyyyHokage
    LadyyyHokage says:

    i would love to see a reverse-seared chuck. i’m still a beginner cook and as much as i would love to invest in some nice equipment i just can’t afford to. this looks so delicious oh my gosh.

  8. Diana Nichols
    Diana Nichols says:

    Your kitchen looks interesting. I was peeping your dishes on the shelf while you were searing that roast. I would be ever so grateful if you could tell me where to buy one of those giant tea kettles.


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