How Much I Spend on Groceries 😳

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20 replies
  1. Matt
    Matt says:

    I grew up on a farm in South Dakota, love your videos and your family! But I'm not sure I'll be any help.

    We just had beef cattle. So it was very easy to get with a neighbor and split it.

    Again, no help haha. The chickens, eggs and blueberries are all something I never had. But you're killing it!

  2. Cattitude
    Cattitude says:

    We get digital coupons from our Safeway and Fry's/Kroeger. They often have coupons for items we use and normally have pretty good expiration dates. Sometimes they even have freebies. Load the coupon to your app and no worries ahh out a paper coupon. Some coupons you can even use up to five times.

  3. LorieAnn
    LorieAnn says:

    We are just a little above you for our monthly budget. And I have a $100 buffer too. I had to increase our budget due to Covid grocery costs and allergies. My oldest has Celiac and a special diet due to medical needs and allergies and I am mainly plant based due to allergies. Fresh produce is certainly costly, especially organic.

    I love to watch others shop and explain their budgets. It helps me to look at mine and see if any of their tips and tricks can help us. It also is fun to see what others buy because sometimes I am like oh huh I would like to try that. 😄

  4. Kay S
    Kay S says:

    Wait until they are all teenagers. I have two large boys to feed, along with their parents and grandpa. (Two families under one roof.) It is mind-boggling how much teenage boys can eat at one sitting! Then they use up all those calories doing their high school sports.

  5. windowwendy
    windowwendy says:

    We buy 1/4 cow and a half a pig every year. It is a large upfront cost but for me it's worth it to know the animal was well looked after. I can get grass feed beef for $4/lb hanging weight (around $750 to $800 ) and $2.35/lb hanging weight for pasture raised pork (around $300) I go to Costco. Once a month and to a grocery outlet once a month. I go to the regular grocery store once a week to buy produce that is on sale.

  6. Judy Beckner
    Judy Beckner says:

    Where we live in Texas the county food bank has been having food distributions for the last year once a week. You don’t have to show proof of income. They ask how many people are in your family & the zip code you live in. It’s been very helpful to our monthly grocery budget & I have been surprised at the quality of the food. I’m so grateful. You might check in your area to see if it’s offered. Love seeing all your videos. 😊

  7. Greg Brown
    Greg Brown says:

    Feel confident this has been suggested somewhere at sometime…….. on milk….. as one of four boys growing up, we went through milk real fast. My Mother use to do a 50/50 mix of whole milk and Carnation instant milk powder. After spending the night in the refrigerator, we couldn't tell the difference.

    I have not priced powdered milk in a very, very long time but when I buy a gallon of milk today, it's easy to realize why my parents practiced this in a one income family.

    Really appreciate your videos! Thanks!

  8. U R
    U R says:

    My problem is knowing what to do to keep certain foods from spoiling?
    How long do they keep? Like lettuce, cucumbers, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms, squash, etc. etc.?

  9. Patricia Riddle
    Patricia Riddle says:

    I usually go to Costco once a month when their sales start. But my biggest savings is going to Aldi. I know you don't have one but for those that do it can't be beat. I stay away from junk food and try to buy as little processed food as possible. It's always a challenge.

  10. Sandra C.
    Sandra C. says:

    👍Good job. They say $100 per person per month so you're right on track. 😊
    I have 3 adults and we do about $350/month.
    I love a good sale and I stock up a lot when I see a deal that way I'm never paying full price for much.
    🤔 I've never seen watermelon 🍉 sold by the lb. How much does 29cents/lb equal to? Here it's just $3.99 or $4.99 per melon.

  11. Sharongg
    Sharongg says:

    I came from a large family 4 brothers and I sister and my mom had a tight budget. I remember eating a lot of casseroles and ground beef. She only bought fruit in season or on sale and clipped coupons. I remember she had a large envelope full of coupons 😊

  12. kay Slowey-Sly
    kay Slowey-Sly says:

    My grocery bills have gone up so much in the last year! I do use $5 Friday. We also have Fab5, buy 5 items from a selected list and get a discount. Plus i use paper and digital coupons. Thanks for sharing. Blessings…

  13. Joshua Brande
    Joshua Brande says:


    Wow! Oregon blueberries. I'm homesick. There used to be grocery outlet stores, Rainbow foods, Canned food outlets. I don't know if they exist anymore. We used to buy a 1/4 or 1/2 beef from the meatpacking companies. I don't know if you can still do that. $900 is an awful lot of money.


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