How I Make 20 Healthy Meals for $30

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These cheap, healthy meals were born from experience. This is exactly how Lorn and I used to eat (and still do sometimes) & I …

26 replies
  1. netlagd
    netlagd says:

    I really enjoyed this video – thank you for making it. It’s nice to have a repertoire. More of these types of videos would be nice – maybe one every 8-12 videos or so. While watching the video, I got to thinking, I like to watch your videos, but I’m not always in need of the sponsors products at the time I am watching the video. And later on I’d like to try the sponsor’s product but can’t remember which video it was associated with. Would it be possible to add a page on your website to provide a simple table of name of sponsor, link to sponsor/URL, brief description of product or category, promo code, expiration if applicable, link to YouTube episode ? Maybe sort by table column? Then when I’m up in the middle of the night and am trying to remember the coffee service you recommend I can find it. Thanks for listening.

  2. VSN
    VSN says:

    Cool video, loved the fact that you used mostly whole foods and lots of veggies. Personally, it would be way too much rice to eat in a week, but I will save the ideas for easy budget meals

  3. Lettuce Carrots
    Lettuce Carrots says:

    Brian, I have a video idea for you. I’d like you to consider making a Kraft Cheez Whiz clone. Now, it’s not just as easy as cheese, milk, sodium citrate. That’s way too fancy. Whiz is some cheap sh1t that Kraft charges an arm and a leg for. It was $5.79 for 15 ounces or over bucks a pound. That’s nuts because the first three ingredients are whey (basically water), milk and canola oil. Perhaps, you can use nonfat milk powder and water since not everyone has whey laying around their house. One surprising ingredient is Worcestershire sauce. It also has mustard powder. The rest of the ingredients seem to be mostly thickeners and preservatives. Xanthum gum, which I can buy in my grocery store in the bulk foods section, may be a substitute for sodium alginate. Bottom line, Pat’s uses Cheez Whiz for their cheesesteak sandwiches and I want to use it too without being ripped off by Kraft. I think that the Kraft cheese powder in boxes of cheap Macaroni and Cheese may be part of the puzzle. You can use real cheese too. I’m looking for a clone to replicate the flavor as close as possible using cheddar cheese that’s ~ $3.50 a pound at Kroger. What do you think? If this idea is too pedestrian for you, I’ll pitch it to someone else. You have the first option of refusal on my dumb idea.

  4. Urquimedes
    Urquimedes says:

    I don't like this, Brian.

    These reeks of "cooking hacks" ideas and being boring at the kitchen. None of this is a lesson. These are just "ideas".

    I followed you throught the pandemic because of your amazing pandemic ideas. I hope you haven't given up on them over… this

  5. cgohier2000
    cgohier2000 says:

    And it's also gluten-free…Nice array of recipes across cultures! That is the way I have always cooked, and now that we are renovating a house in France, and that time and budget are tight, I also frreze 2 portions per recipe to be thawed and reheated..One day per month of intense cooking for 3 weeks of meals, then add fruit and fresh veggies daily. Shopping sales is a must too, but only if it fits the strict grocery list. Nice job, and yes, that would be a fun series. 🙂

  6. O
    O says:

    Damn you have it cheap in the US. I did some rough math and all those ingredients will cost me about $63 to get in my country.. Yikes.
    But nice recipes!

  7. MrMajors
    MrMajors says:

    Minor critique… but I was totally thrown off with this video NOT starting off with “Hey what’s up?!” I restarted the video twice thinking I missed something…

  8. Arabela Y
    Arabela Y says:

    The world needs more accessible cooking videos just like this. Clear, concise, and without any of the frills that a lot of other cooking channels insist on. Great stuff, keep it up!!

  9. Wendylovespitties
    Wendylovespitties says:

    Unfortunately cheap chicken comes from the most disgusting and cruel circumstances. Watch some behind the scenes videos how chickens are brutally slaughtered and processed and you will never buy cheap chicken again. And organic chicken is just as bad. Pasture and humanely raised chicken can be found online and delivered, but it is very expensive. Maybe forgo all those starbucks lattes and don't support Big Agribusiness.


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