How I do Whole 30 | Haul & Hacks

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I am SO sorry for the quality of this video, I just didn’t want to miss my upload schedule for you guys! Love y’all. CHECK OUT MY …

23 replies
  1. Lauren Brewer
    Lauren Brewer says:

    Just going back and rewatching this video! I am prepping to do the Daniel Diet which comes from the book of Daniel in chapter 1! It is similar to whole 30 in many ways so this video is super helpful! I would love to know in a video if you have ever heard of the Daniel Diet and get your opinion as a Christian and a nutritionist on the benefits of it. I think it would be a cool vlog/video for you to take us through the journey of a whole 30 or Daniel Diet cleanse to see the applications in real life! P.S. Thanks for all you do and for always bringing joy to all of our lives!

  2. Erin Doty
    Erin Doty says:

    One of my favorite "desserts" to have when I'm doing a reset whole30 is monkey salad: sliced banana, drizzle some warmed up almond butter on the top, and sprinkle some compliant coconut chips on top. So much YUM!

  3. Jenn Just Left
    Jenn Just Left says:

    I have found from my reasearch that one reason people feel hungry and desire snacks is they lack fat in their diet. I used to eat mostly things like the food in this video, getting most of my protein from plant sources and eating tons of fiber. I was always bloated and sluggish and hungry. I felt like i could never be satisfied. I craved sugar like crazy even though i knew it was bad for me  and i avoided straight up eating candy. Still i would end up going crazy for carbs. Fast forward to today. I've increased my consumption of beef, lamb and other meats, ghee and organic eggs from a local farm. I buy ground beef not lean the highest fat content i can find because organic grass fed ground beef is usually the cheapest per pound. I also buy grass fed organic filets and ribeyes when i can afford them. Sugar cravings are gone. I lost 10lbs without changing my exercise habits. I have tons of energy. Better sleep. It has been such a positive change. The best thing i did was cut out all plant derived oils and i cook everything in butter ghee or animal fat. Bloating and inflammation gone. I can eat a steak and have a completely flat stomach. If i eat bread or pasta or even too much fruit at once, i get so bloated it's uncomfortable. I stick to mostly eggs, meat and cheese with some fresh fruits and vegetables and i feel great. The important thing for me is to make sure I'm getting enough fat. This way i never feel hungry and never crave sugar.

  4. destijl
    destijl says:

    I’d done whole 30 a few times and then kinda stuck with it 4 months ago by doing similar lifestyle modifications. A lot of food options have become available since my first round. Plant based yogurt has been a really nice addition. I love doing a banana, coconut flake, cashew, and yogurt mash in the morning! Do more whole 30 videos!

  5. According to Asia
    According to Asia says:

    This video was so helpful! I’ve been contemplating whole 30 for a while, but I’ve been intimidated by it. You made it sound not easy but more manageable. I would love to see some “experience” type updates on how you feel during the process and what someone could expect by completing the whole 30 days. I think the thing that intimidated me the most is the sugar withdrawals and how to deal with that during my workday.

  6. Nicole
    Nicole says:

    I just started today too! I am also modifying. The hardest thing for me is coffee. I need a little Stevia. I also have upcoming events where I know I will want to drink a bit 🤷🏼‍♀️. I think I’ll stick to organic vodka and seltzer. Do you have a suggestion? Hoping you do some what I eat in a days or whole 30 check in!


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