How A Plant-Based Diet Saved My Life

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In this presentation, I explain How A Plant-Based Diet Saved My Life after just having a life-threatening stroke as well as the steps I took afterward to regain my …

20 replies
  1. SJ R
    SJ R says:

    Very good video and I like your humor. So, you changed your diet long before the stroke and B/P still high? I don't get it. I've got everything out of my diet going on for decades and I still have high B/P, the only way I can get it down to normal and below, is a day of hard labor, stacking wood, cutting wood, working outdoors to get it down to normal. I don't get it.

  2. Kevin
    Kevin says:

    Your "everyman" presentation is gold. I feel inspired to go back to "The Basics". I feel letter "e" should be NO BREAD. (end of sentence). Not a whole lot going on between mid-October to mid-November. No problem skipping Halloween. I think I'll give this a try.

  3. John Dough
    John Dough says:

    Chuck, You should check out Brooke Goldner MD. She has some useful info on her channel and website. I'm studying functional nutrition and what she has to say meshes well with our philosophy.

  4. Tara B
    Tara B says:

    Thank you for the video and inspiration. I have been mostly plant based for the last 4 years. The fake meat and vegan cheese and processed food has been making an appearance in most of my meals in the past 18 months and I am feeling the effects of my bad decisions. My husband and I were just talking this morning about getting back on a whole food plant based diet. Then I turn on YouTube and there's your video. Perfect timing!😃

  5. Andre Larocque
    Andre Larocque says:

    Your recipes inspired me to improve all my recipes by removing oil and adding more whole foods. I have made your chili a dozen times which my family and friends love. In fact some of them have continued to eat plant based because of your recipes. Thank you for being you.

  6. Jaime C
    Jaime C says:

    Thanks for sharing this. I have been vegetarian for a year. I haven't fully crossed over to vegan yet. I am type 2 diabetic. I want to get off the meds. I have lost 40 lbs so far. Heart disease runs in my family. My doctor told me I will never get off the meds. I am doing this on my own. I am exercising. I drink water. You are an inspiration.


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