Hot Pink Lemonade Recipe 😍 ( So Pretty & All-Natural!)

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38 replies
  1. Cosmichu
    Cosmichu says:

    A way to make this even better if to scrape the lemon peel (just the yellow part!) And put it in a bowl with sugar until it absorbs all the lemon oil and becomes wet looking.
    After that you put hot water and mix until the sugar is dissolved.
    Then you use a strained to not get the peels in your drink and put that amazing lemon oil in the lemonade, ever since I tried making lemonade like that It's the favorite way of doing it πŸ™‚

  2. D. B.
    D. B. says:

    Yep beets!! πŸ‘ Believe it or not, that shade of lemon juice you have & burgundy were my Wedding colors & my Grandmother in law made the prettiest deviled eggs with, you guessed it, Beet Juice! The table setting was so gorgeous!! Everything was matching & the beautiful roses of pale pink to dark burgundy just flowed together so fine! Anyway, thank you for sharing this with us! So pretty! πŸ‘β™₯️

  3. 1k Challenge with 30 days
    1k Challenge with 30 days says:

    ""One of the best things about dude is that he never takes credit for himself when he achieves something. He always respect us, the audience, and his team, and he is always polite in all of his videos. We congratulate ourselves on this achievement. More to come and everything to come""

  4. Cindi Johnson
    Cindi Johnson says:

    You're awesome! Your voice is precious!πŸ’— Your beet juice trick is brilliant.πŸ‘ Made your butter pecan cake a while back and absolutely loved it!!! πŸ˜‹β€

  5. Emi Emilia
    Emi Emilia says:

    We are all sinners and we have all fell short of our sins. Our sins will cost us our souls, for the wages of sin is death. There is GREAT NEWS. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ died on the cross, was buried, and rose on the third day to save you from the destruction of your sins. For sins yields to death, without believing in the gospel, accepting Jesus into your hearts, repenting and turning away from your sins, your souls will not enter into Heaven. Your souls will be casted into hell for eternity.

    Jesus is returning soon, but time is severly short. This world and what it has to offer is fleeting away as I type this, however the word of God stands forever. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He loves you and thought about you since the beginning of creation, and every moment that lead up to him on the crucifixion on the cross. Accept him now. Build a personal and deep relationship with him. God Bless you.πŸ’›

  6. Nundie Bee
    Nundie Bee says:

    Love this πŸ’•Pink Lemonade is my favorite drink since a kid. Never knew how to make it though lol. Guess I’ll be making some for dinner πŸ˜‹. Thank you 😊


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