honey and fruit on the #carnivorediet ?

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26 replies
  1. Delta Grey
    Delta Grey says:

    I don't think moderation is ever talked about. Even in this example it was if I had all that I wanted to. I'm supposed to be 120 lb. I can only have 80 to 110 g of carbs in a day. Fruit doesn't always have to be sugar fruit. There's squash, seedless and skinned cucumber, avocado, olives, nightshade family if you can tolerate them and you remove the skin and the seeds… There's a lot more to fruit than just bananas and tropical fruit. Also, you can eat higher fiber and lower sugar fruits like berries, certain citrus fruits, and kiwi. I don't think that's talked about enough. Every time I hear Dr Berry discussing honey and fruit on this diet it's always as much as you want, with wild abandon, with no regard to preservation. It's never talked about in a controlled manner. And I don't know if that's just because with his particular clients he's dealing with addiction or because he just doesn't grasp that there can be moderation. For my needs, I can only add one banana, one kiwi, and 200 to 300 g of butternut squash before I am maxed out. If I feel like adding in honey, I'm looking at one tablespoon of honey, maybe one pear, one avocado, and then another 300 g of butternut squash. It really isn't all that much when you break it down. Saladino gets away with a ton of fruit, honey, and raw dairy because he's active. I'm not, so I don't get away with as much. And when you break it down to how much you can have based on your activity level it really doesn't look as detrimental.

  2. TReXcuRRy
    TReXcuRRy says:

    Honey has extremely low glycemic index. Just do your research before spreading misinformation. Refined sugar will give you diabetes because the body doesn't process it well. Honey is very well absorbed by the body and it doesn't spike your insuline at all. But i mean, who am I kidding, I'm listening to nutrition advice from people eating only meat…. Lmao.

  3. L J
    L J says:

    So if I just like (1) tsp in my water in the morning and I don’t eat any other sugars, will that be ok or should I just axe the honey altogether? I’m a male 6’ – 173-lbs an an ex-athlete and I’m still active during the week.

  4. Jean Bush
    Jean Bush says:

    Dr Paul Saladino started cramping bad on pure carnivore and added fruit, honey 🍯 and raw milk 🥛. He feels great and has no pre diabetes problems. There is no one size fits all in diet.

  5. Alice Sais
    Alice Sais says:

    I was on keto for several years, just got tired of not having fruit, bread, noodles. I thought I’m so tired of this demeaning of foods, I have to find a way to be able to eat every food group. So the beginning of December I did, I ate all the foods that I missed, but all measured and wt, lowed my fat intake, ate 3 meals and 1 after dinner snack. I also tested after meals to see if my sugar was risen, if it did I know that food might not be for me or I lowered the amount to see if it was better. Lost 7 lbs, not much but I’m very satisfied with my foods.

    LVNCSR says:

    Not sure what happened but for the month of January was full on carnivore with 1 stick of butter every day and a little at night before going to sleep. Added honey to my tea. Gained 3kg???? Any thoughts, tips suggestions would be so appreciated.


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