Holiday Cooking & Baking Recipes: Pumpkin Mudslide Cupcakes Recipe | Thanksgiving Desserts

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Pumpkin Mudslide Cupcakes Recipe | Thanksgiving Desserts – Paula is preparing Thanksgiving desserts that aren’t pie.

43 replies
  1. Sherry Rethwisch
    Sherry Rethwisch says:

    A great part of being a great cook, is prep, knowing your recipe and ingredients needed beforehand. If you are fortunate enough to have a paid preparer then at least survey the ingredients and the steps before you go on YouTube and chastise the preparer. Indeed it's your video and your job, but accept responsibility for your own mistakes! I am slowly fading away from her channel

  2. Michelle Rovensky
    Michelle Rovensky says:

    Paula, the holidays are always hard for me emotionally- I dont think anyone talks about that part. But I just want you to know how much light you bring to me in my darkness. Thank you for being your fun, silly self! Cheers

  3. Leslie Smith
    Leslie Smith says:

    Paula you disappoint me over. You owe Theresa an apology for telling her she should have reminded you how to put together a cupcake recipe. She put everything out for you. She gave you the written instructions. Many times you screw up a recipe because either you don't come prepared or you don't care. How dare you embarrass dear Theresa. It was 100 percent your fault. Get focused and take your job responsibly.

    And go read the FACTS about how alcohol burns off in baking. It does NOT burn off most of it by any means. You put 2 alcoholic drinks of 1/2 cup in there and talk about kids having them. And what about recovering alcoholics who would innocently pick up a cupcake or two. Get informed and don't give out wrong facts about important things.

    I fear Saturday Night Live is going to do a spoof on your YouTube show. Your bad habits of putting your fingers in your ears, continually licking and putting your entire finger in your mouth and then back into food you are preparing, scratching your head, and double dipping everything. And your cackling (not laughing) would make a funny skit.

    And NEVER once washing your hands. You do a 3 second rinse but never a washing of your hands. Washing uses soap all over the hands and a good rinsing. I saw you in your Riverbend kitchen use your hands mixing up wash raw ground meat and then doing a 3 second rinse. Everything you touched afterwards became contaminated in your kitchen. How disgusting and you are a professional cook. You are cooking for us your audience. You are demonstrating for all your hundreds of kitchen staffs in your many restaurants that all YOUR gross habits are ok and fine for then to do. You are not cooking for your family on you tube…you are cooking for us your audience.

    I have read over and over for the past year about your bad habits from MANY of your viewers but you don't seem to care. You have been given a second chance yet you don't take it serious or seem to care.

  4. Kool Blue
    Kool Blue says:

    You MUST change the acoustics. The glass bowls banging and mixing hurts me ears. Put some kind of rubber mat on your counter.
    Use plastic utensils or something. Somebody didn't take into consideration RE: Production sounds when you designed the new kitchen.

  5. Nava Leah
    Nava Leah says:

    Alcohol does not cook out of recipes completely!!!!
    People started saying that long ago just so you would still eat their alcohol laden recipes.
    Don't give these to your kids!!!!
    Tried an alcohol laden dessert when I was a child and it flat out gave me a buzz!!!!
    Besides not wanting to dose kids with alcohol, you don't want them to acquire a taste for alcohol at an early age!!!

  6. Heidi D
    Heidi D says:

    YUMMMMM!! These look too good to be true. The only thing I wonder about is the chocolate syrup. Will it set up at all or just be drippy? Maybe a chocolate glaze would set up better. Anyway, these look great. No black sprinkles! Halloween is over!

  7. Eric
    Eric says:

    I am going to try making these with King Arthur Baking Sugar Alternative so they are diabetic-friendly. Sugar is a killer, I wish Paula would mention when more "healthy" substitutes can be made.

  8. Mindy Peterson
    Mindy Peterson says:

    Happy Thanksgiving you all… Hope your dishes are as good as your day will be. Yummy cupcakes got to try these myself. Hope my grandchildren love them too. Maybe I should add chocolate chips to the batter? Hmm, nothing like a good chocolate chip pumpkin cupcake 🧁. They're good in cookies too.

  9. Nancy Miller
    Nancy Miller says:

    Community guidelines asking to keep our comments "respectfull" yet Paula was extremely disrespectful to Theresa in front of the camera. Paula owes her viewers & Theresa an apology. We all make mistakes but this public embarrass of her employee & sometimes guests requires public responsibility of her behavior & an apology.

  10. Nancy Miller
    Nancy Miller says:

    Paula … we can all see how annoyed you are that YOU screwed up the recipe on camera, yet you blame Theresa & say she should have reminded you. It's pretty rude to intentionally embarrass Theresa or anyone else on camera. It's YOUR show. It's YOUR responsibility to know what YOU'RE doing after they prepare everything FOR YOU. I don't think I'm a fan anymore. This is not the first time you seem to have no idea how to make a recipe & embarrass others when YOU'RE the person screwing things up. You owe Theresa & your viewers an apology. Your EGO has gotten the best of you. But instead of an apology, I imagine my comment will "disappear " by your moderator.

  11. Sarah
    Sarah says:

    Paula is incorrect in saying that alcohol cooks totally out of cake. Here's what I found. I would suggest finding a substitute for the alcohol. Although some of the alcohol cooks off during the baking process, a reasonable percentage remains for consumption (after baking for 30 minutes, 35% of the alcohol is still present).

  12. GrammyB3🦋
    GrammyB3🦋 says:

    I don't like pumpkin. I have tried it in so many different recipes/ways, but I take 2 bites and gag, don't know why! The recipes look so yummy and I wish I could eat it, but I just can't 😢

  13. S. Scott
    S. Scott says:

    The whole point of a mudslide is to have something gush out I would have made a little hole and squirted the Hershey syrup inside.
    As it stands they look Halloween and they look like a mess. And lazy


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