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41 replies
  1. Ye
    Ye says:

    I definitely tried the recipe, and my super skinny girlfriend that eats crazy junk food and never gains weight LOVED it, she genuinely believe this was a McDonald’s McChicken, should of seen the look on her face when I told her it was anabolic!

  2. R Winfrey
    R Winfrey says:

    Hey Rem, I started watching your videos and it's been a week and I have already lost almost 10 lbs. I love your recipes and this is a diet I can stick with. I have tried a few of your recipes and the cinnamon toast crunch donuts and the cheesecake bowl are two of my faves so far. I am a female so I cut the recipes in half or lower and I stay full and stick with my calories. I have ordered the monster cookie crunch bars and I can't wait to try them. The peanut butter and jelly ones sound like a good flavor as well. I used to work out all the time and couldn't gain muscle now I see the gains. Apparently I wasn't getting enough protein. I am good now and I can't stop trying these recipes and I used to hate cooking. Thanks.

  3. Paul Kiefert
    Paul Kiefert says:

    In my second week of using the RJF Cookbook and Anabars. Down 5.6lbs the first week and loving the recipes. Used the Mod Pizza hack for Pie Day today for a great lunch too! Keep those recipes coming!

  4. David Camba
    David Camba says:

    Rem thanks for all your videos since I began my journey I have lost 100 pounds since high school slowly those cravings started to kick in thanks to your videos i have learned to make those small adjustments to keep it healthy but also fun keep up the great work 💪🏽🤙🏽

  5. Joey Skaggs
    Joey Skaggs says:

    Two years ago when I started following your diet my lifestyle change became a reality. Being able to eat my favorite foods in a healthier version made me want to be healthy look good thanks rem for helping me change my life losing 50 lbs seeing abs for the first time in my life and build more muscle than ever so much with less effort thank you. You are and always will be one of my number one influencers hope you keep doing you bro.

  6. jkrafty586
    jkrafty586 says:

    My husband and I love your cookbook! Not only are the recipes delicious but they are good for you too! Thank you for your message that you put on Instagram today 😊 I truly needed to hear that!

  7. CDW
    CDW says:

    Rem, bro these nuggies look amazing! Im gonna make these tonight. I started watching you pretty recently and began my journey to get healthy. I quit drinking, cleaned my diet up and started going to the gym every single day 2 hours a day proud to say im down 40 total pounds in 3ish months! Thank you so much! LETS GETTTT ITTTTT

  8. Noah Warren
    Noah Warren says:

    I just made these for lunch and wow that hit the spot! Love these nuggies. Down another 5 pounds in the last month using your cookbook. Total of 65 pounds down now and a large part of that was from finding this channel and your cookbook. Cant thank you enough 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

  9. Cloud Strife
    Cloud Strife says:

    @Remington James, I used to be helpless like a beached whale including the weight but since following this diet I'm now more like a sea turtle stuck on his back. God bless

  10. Mr. Leanguine
    Mr. Leanguine says:

    Love to see others helping others with weight loss, such as yourself Rem. Thanks for making videos like these REM, I’m currently on a cut and a lot of your recipes and overall positive attitude have been keeping me strong. I was 190 with 17% est bf a little over a month ago, I am currently 175 and 13% est bf now. I also watch these videos to help me mentally it kinda helps my midnight cravings oddly enough. Keep grinding brutha


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