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30 replies
  1. Beatriz Rocha
    Beatriz Rocha says:

    so there was another vegan person chatting with me through this live and i tried to give them a vegan mayo recipe made with aquafaba. But i was very sleepy and didn’t understand that they asked me if it was like a hummus – it’s not (if you are happening to read this). You only use the water from chickpeas or peas instead of the egg, and blend it until it becomes white. Then blend with oil (pouring a little bit at a time) until it feels like a mayo. Mix with garlic, mustard, lemon or vinegar and salt. If you are reading this (unlikely), sorry!

  2. Sam  Thunders
    Sam Thunders says:

    Really sorry about your Mom Its so unfair. 😔 Hope you're doing okay and all you'll have to deal with. She obviously loved you so much ❤and you have that to hold on to. I'm probably saying all.the wrong things ..but I do understand how baffling it is.
    Been there
    Do what you have to do
    And take care.
    Love your videos there alot of fun !

  3. Brandi Ruble
    Brandi Ruble says:

    Watching this vid now so nice to see Freddy munching out on his yummy yummy vittles. Yesterday bittersweet many levels as 50 years that my parents married in Lutheran Chapel on UT Knoxville's and he dropped out university around year and half GO VOLS side note many people people hardcore fans say blood runs orange yet didn't go college their. I have to say had many a celebration football games w most epic college students and coworkers. It was amazing when Gators came for swamps of Florida. We blast Rocky Top TN on jukebox on their visit to our Texas RdHz post game Neyland Stadium mere 7.5 miles E interstate traffic and parking is nightmare. Per father's parents claimed this faith like women of era Boomer she converted for "love" actually was submission as I later learned. It was a lovely tangent to hear so glad I found you working on YT and cooking up Spleen from local market and cooking done various bones to munch on. YES YES YES I have a friend from upstate NY they moved down here after both in Air Force.I ask Mo about land around you. She gets a wonder red wine Billy Goat shipped down here love it. I know a beautful area south of me that has land and other awesome ppl that are part of our extended family. its around 3 hours to bigger cities. I will inbox you.

  4. Kristin A
    Kristin A says:

    Your commune should have farms/orchards, but also it’s own thrift shop! If a good commune area has no thrift options, you make your own 🙂

    Also I love that Fred clearly just loves chilling with you. Him hanging out in that chair as he’s watching you walk around and stuff is deeply charming. What a buddy

  5. Krystina C
    Krystina C says:

    June, I hope that you're able to have a solid support system, wherever you can find it. I don't want to dunk on Aaron because I know there are nuances to your partnership as you're transitioning out of your romantic relationship, and he has helped you with things we don't know about, but he should really know when to take a step back. You've given away so many things of your mom's and clearly want to hold onto the rice cooker as it holds sentimental value for you, so he should honestly respect that and give you space. My partner's grandmother just passed last week and this has been a good lesson in earnest listening, giving space, and supporting someone I love.

  6. juunta
    juunta says:

    For cleaning the rice cooker: try baking soda with a bit of water to make a paste. Leave it on the stain for a 15mins or longer, then clean/scrub off. Repeat until the stain comes off completely. Hi June🖐

  7. Eliza Corpuz
    Eliza Corpuz says:

    Your words are taking on a more spiritual turn, which is to be expected during this time. Those thoughts were so beautifully articulated that I wondered if they were being channeled from a deeply buried place within you that was finally being tapped.

    It takes a lot of inner strength to keep a strong faith in humanity after being hurt by it. Good on you for keeping your eyes above the waves when for many of us our feet would fail.

  8. Brandy Evans
    Brandy Evans says:

    Also buy a farm and move to Boise Idaho. It’s still a small town, but huge at the same time. You would love it here! 15 minutes to downtown and yet 15 minutes away far away from all the crap. Amazing kind people. Tons of thrift stores. It’s so amazing we are the fastest growing state in the country unfortunately.

  9. Brandy Evans
    Brandy Evans says:

    You are such a kind and generous amazing human. The fact that you’re dealing with so much, yet still thought of this mans future and life shows what kind of person you truly are. You are an inspiration to me and many others💗 I hope you know this!

  10. mei ling Chan
    mei ling Chan says:

    She saved everything you gave her because she loved you so much. She wants to keep everything that you have given her. It is very Chinese. I do the same. My mom do the same. Every Chinese person that I know do the same. By the way. I have been binge watching all your old life streams. I love the way you do things in the kitchen and continue to talk. It's like you have a friend in your house . I also love watching Fred.

  11. V10
    V10 says:

    June, your blunt honesty is inspiring and refreshing!!! Plus I very much enjoy your thoughts and sharing. Also I’m not a cat person but Fred’s a cool cat!


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