Hearty Lentil Soup Recipe | Chef Jean-Pierre

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Hello There Friends! Lentil Soup is a classic recipe that never disappoints on a cold day. This take on Lentil Soup is sure to bring …

35 replies
  1. @DownButNotOutYet
    @DownButNotOutYet says:

    Good morning Chef J-P, fabulous, absolutely fabulous. The soup looks so nourishing and tasty. All the fresh goodness in one pot and one plate yes, I think a country bread would be very good to go with this. Thank you for sharing and showing, our winter is just starting in S. Africa, so soup will be very much eaten most of the time. Not forgetting pot roasts and casseroles, no surprise we add weight during winter, or maybe a toasted cheese sandwich with tomato soup. Do take care, Jack is a privilege fellow to eat with you. You are taking good care of the camera man!! Have a beautiful day. Kind regards.

  2. @drk321
    @drk321 says:

    One of the real fine qualities about Chef Jean Pierre is that he is not dogmatic about cooking. Sometimes I see the people getting worked up over whether you put beans in chili. Many Texans will say "it's not chili if you use beans". Chef John has ALWAYS been "Put it in if you like it, leave it out if you don't like it, put in something you like more". There is no carved in stone recipe in the culinary world that cannot be improvised on (maybe a few exceptions). Chef gets this. When I hear someone talking about "no beans in chili" I make sure to mention I put AT LEAST four different kinds in and sometimes leave out the meat! Love watching those heads explode. Chef is a very relaxed culinarian that clearly loves what he does. We benefit from that. The culinary world was my first life and I regret not being lucky enough to work in one of his establishments.

  3. @cindyfischer9542
    @cindyfischer9542 says:

    Is Jack ever going to make an appearance on your videos? His cartoon character makes me laugh. Maybe the mystery man behind the camera needs to remain a mystery because he adds to the humor of your videos. I absolutely love watching your channel and have learned so much. Thank you!

  4. @lisabishop6266
    @lisabishop6266 says:

    I love Chef JP!!! One thing i do want to say though, please! People might be scared because of ALL the bowls he uses for his mis on place ( yes, i spelled that wrong 😂) but if you watch his video, you can see by when he adds thing, some can all go into 1 bowl, therefore cutting down on dishes. He just does it his way to explain and show what he is adding when. Don't be scared to put the celery and carrots in the same bowl, the herbs in the same bowl etc


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