Healthy July Challenge & FREE Cooking Show!

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July marks the halfway point of the year, so we figured it’s time for another group challenge where we rally together and work on …

21 replies
  1. Emily Voelkner
    Emily Voelkner says:

    I am eating my way through my very first order of sauces and mixes from Well Your World. I didn’t know I could enjoy food without just a little salt, oil, sugar in condiments; But I am, and the dressings, sauces, and mixes are very good and I feel much better—like not being as thirsty. My own sauces don’t turn out as good. It’s nice to have them ready to go for ease. The cheese sauce mix has really been helping me. It’s such a simple product but so good. That and the gravy mix—they just come through for me 😆

  2. Lulu's Mom
    Lulu's Mom says:

    May 1st I stopped all frozen plant based foods…tossed it all and have never restocked! Continuing on with that habit and adding #1 STICKING TO A BUDGET…plus two other habit makers…MAKE YOUR BED and Listen to all previously purchased audibles…Beginning with TINY HABITS BJ FOGG. Thank you both for steering us in the right direction! 💚🌱💚

  3. Mary Heine
    Mary Heine says:

    Dillon, are you wearing my returned large orange “Let us romaine calm’? I think you are. I wore my medium one this week. The orange looks great on you.

  4. Michele Sarich
    Michele Sarich says:

    Was great to meet so many wonderful people at the NHA conference last week! I am so ready to get going on the July challenge!! You guys make it so easy for us to be engaged and to stay focused!!! Go WYW community!! We gonna nail this!!

  5. Jeff School
    Jeff School says:

    This is Jeff’s wife Kathleen. I’ve started plant based eating the end of April of this year. I have lost 20 lbs which i am very excited about but the big thing I have noticed is that I have NOT had a single headache or migraine since I started. I had them quite often and some migraines lasted 2-3 days. Thank you both for the great videos and ideas, suggestions.

  6. EPIC
    EPIC says:

    I love your ethics and practices of being vegan. I’m going to work hard to get on board with you because animals are my friends not my dinner. Plus, I absolutely love your shirts.

  7. plantae tivoli
    plantae tivoli says:

    Salt, I'm still confused about that. I rarely eat processed foods, vegan 7 years, underweight w/ very low blood pressure (86/58). Walk 8 to 10 miles a day. Cannot imagine no salt. If it's 90+ F outside I'll pass out. I believe that if you don't have a weight problem healthy fats are really important to help absorb some nutrients. Would appreciate your input. Much Love and Peace from Upstate NY. PS: Your project/intention would benefit at least 70% of the U.S.A. population <3 Congrats on the baby!!! Trust me, it's the highlife of your existence. Enjoy while you can 'cause in a year you'll be sobbing at newborn pics. Never mind the teenage ones when you'll ask "where did my sweet baby go?" what did I do wrong? Enjoy the process and the human being that imerged from your union. <3

  8. Food & Nutrition Truths
    Food & Nutrition Truths says:

    Yeah baby! Just yesterday I typed up a "contract" for my husband & I to sign. I wrote up a bunch of rules, like veggies at breakfast & put away nuts, nut butter & seeds (except chia, flax, hemp) until further notice. No restaurant food, no matter who it disappoints!!! I wrote up the gains we can expect, like reaching an ideal weight, having more energy, breaking bad habits…peanut butter toast at 9PM? NO MORE! I'm WFPB for 2.5yrs but need to get out of that damn pleasure trap once & for all. And he needs to stop ordering meat in restaurants & we both need to break some bad habits. It has to start NOW. I signed the contract…I'm waiting for him to sign it. He knows it that it must be done & he couldn't disagree w/ any of the reasons why & all the benefits we'll realize. I think he's scared of some of my rules, like NO MEAT for him. But it's for our own good & our future, and it's not that all the rules are forever. Please give a shout out like in your next video a "C'Mon Ken. We encourage you to sign that WFPB RESET Contract if you haven't done so already!" He thinks you guys are funny & I would LOVE it! And it'd probably do the trick to getting him to get serious about health. 🙂

  9. K C
    K C says:

    So I can get the coveted soy yogurt recipe for free if I join the July challenge!?!
    And a discount on your products!?
    😄 Woot!!

  10. Peas & Quiet
    Peas & Quiet says:

    This is well-timed! My wfpb testimony is featured in Dr. Scott Stoll’s new book, Disease Reversal Hope, and there’s a documentary coming out in August based on the book. I lost 82 pounds and reversed 4 years of infertility when I switched (I had two babies in under 15 months! 😊), but have gained some weight since a difficult postpartum 9 months ago and tumbling down the slippery slope of vegan convenience foods and desserts (which were not widely available before I made the switch). I’ve felt like a fraud who needed to hide in shame, but I keep hearing people emphasize that this is real life and staying on the boat is an ongoing process. Of course that’s true, but sometimes I fall into thinking I’m the only one who’s imperfect. It’s nice to hear two of my favorites echo this sentiment! 💕

  11. Syrah Smythe
    Syrah Smythe says:

    I'm just wrapping up 2 months of NO sugar, junk, treats etc. I journaled everything. I'll continue in this fashion, but will lighten up a little on the rigidity. 10 lbs. gone! Not really hard. I just wanted the pants to fit…


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