Headed to KetoCon 2022 | Crazy motel experience | Redmond Real Salt Event

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Redmond Real Salt: http://bit.ly/Redmondsalt2kk Keto Chow: https://2krazyketos.org/Ketochow (automatically gives you 10% off) …

43 replies
  1. Patty Lyman
    Patty Lyman says:

    If we drive and stay at a hotel, I bring my sleeping bag so I DON'T have to touch the blankets that we all know they dont wash after every guest, Buy one??? My God NO

  2. T. P.
    T. P. says:

    I started following your channel when you and watch Autum had the challenge… I think it was prior to your first KetoCon. Love your channel and content.

  3. Pat- Real Food Nanu
    Pat- Real Food Nanu says:

    You are beautiful people…going out there and being your real-selves! That is what I loved about you when I came across your channel way back when. You were doing this….and convincing others they could do it too!

  4. Physical Torturist
    Physical Torturist says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and for your transparency. Meeting you both, in person, just made me love y’all more! No matter how many subs y’all obtain, you make us all feel like true family. Thank you SO much for allowing me to experience this KetoCon and for the connection you provide in your channel/groups. I’ve been on this low carb journey for several years, but not until I found you guys did I feel the motivation, drive, and acceptance!
    ✌🏼 ❤️ 🥓

  5. Caren Bouchard
    Caren Bouchard says:

    I live in Houston and am exhausted every day from heat. I am Calif gal, wine country, Texas humidity kills me. Love Austin area, similar to Northern CA. I wanted to go there, just started KETO. Maybe next year.

  6. Rachael Reagan-Wessels
    Rachael Reagan-Wessels says:

    You had a run in with our aggressive flies, I see. lol Like our heat, they're not to be toyed with!
    Sorry about the motel I the beginning…Yikes!!
    Glad the house you shared with the Bair's later on made up for it.
    Wish I could've come by to meet you all. Sounds like you had a ton of fun.
    Also glad you opted to give some TX BBQ a shot. It's truly one-of-a-kind.
    ( I keep saying "our", guess I'm Texan 'enough' after 6 years here in Austin- formerly from the San Francisco Bay Area).🤠

  7. PurpleLovin'Nonna
    PurpleLovin'Nonna says:

    bummed that I missed chatting with y'all on the premier 😞 – for airplane, I always go with aisle seat – not sure if I will make the live tonight, my son is coming over to help me install some stuff…. love you both!!

  8. KoolKid Keto
    KoolKid Keto says:

    Joe and Rachel, you're both on track to fulfill you're mission with keto, and it was excellent meeting you both. Hans and I started our channel to hold ourselves accountable but also share our keto lifestyle with others, we're still "small potatoes" but it felt surreal that people recognized and greeted us. I especially enjoyed talking with 2 people who don't even participate in watching any YouTube and just chatting with them about their experience and sharing knowledge about Keto while we were at KetoCon, and they invited me to another Con too.

    Side note – Joe, I grew up in Houston, TX my whole life…heat and humidity don't really bother me, and I rarely sweat. We jokingly say in the Kool Kid household, if I could sleep on a hot rock like a lizard, I would. Anyway, all that to say, it was hot and I even sweat a tiny bit on our hike at Zilker park on Friday morning in Austin. Poor Hans was dying, even at 9am.

  9. rikwen96
    rikwen96 says:

    Your Super 8 stay was so funny. They have gone downhill over the years or it is the location you were in. We used to stay at them all the time when we went to dog shows years ago. It was cheap and several people couple split the expenses. Those were the days. The Redmond get together looked so cool. I bet to you all it was sorta like a renewal of what you are in this for, telling people about keto one ribeye at a time. So fun.

  10. Dawn Kingston
    Dawn Kingston says:

    I feel like I met you guys 2 years ago..you were with nurse Cindy and I started following your YouTube channel right after that… maybe someday we'll meet I person. Thanks for being a friends to all and sharing your stories with us.

  11. Jill Warford
    Jill Warford says:

    it was so awesome to meet you both!!! Autumn took our photo and it makes me so happy. I knew y'all would be just as cool in person as you are on youtube. God bless!


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