Halal Food in Ranong (Epic ROTI + CURRY!) Post-Race Meal in Glorious Southern Thailand ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ญโ˜€๏ธ

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Its a Beautiful Day in Ranong, Thailand! 37C of blazing sunshine, there are not many ways to better spend a day than by racing …

24 replies
  1. oceej Ekwam
    oceej Ekwam says:

    I think they will raise the prices after you "spilled the beans.."
    Needless to say the food looks yummy. The exercise accounts for how you can work up such an appetite and remain lean. Bon appetite.

  2. SharingWhat
    SharingWhat says:

    Wow! Your eyes are incredibly beautiful. They are really popping in this video. That food looks so thick, and rich. I am eating PB & J while watching today. I love the positivity, and how you attitudes seems to lift my attitude. Your smile, and the fact that you are such a good person and a good husband, and the way you appreciate everything around you from the spices, the food, the weather, the scenery, and the people around you is contagious, and I am constantly trying to catch it. Never had any of those foods. Love the descriptions. Love the education within the video. Such a great video. Loved it. I started watching as I was writing a cookbook and needing inspiration at the time, and everyone in the room stops and gets enthralled in your videos. It is interesting to watch people put down their video games to watch. Thank you so much.

  3. Eugenio Gonzalez
    Eugenio Gonzalez says:

    This is one exotic and delightful recovery meal after a sports event!!!Goat is regarded also as strong food in our cultureโ€ฆ was interviewed recently on eating with the handsโ€ฆ this certainly grounds you with your ingredients and gives you additional sensory dimensions like tactile textures withbthe food!!!Great eats Joel!!!

  4. Steven J.L. Austin
    Steven J.L. Austin says:

    Joel, how long before you or those close to you started noticing your language attrition?

    I don't follow your channel very closely, but it seems like it is getting far more pronounced.

    It is understandable, yet fascinating.

    Thanks for sharing.

    FAIRYS r REAL says:

    Joel this was another GEM from Thailand. You have shown me so much education, adversity, diversity and cultural wonders of Thailand, it makes me wish I was there in your GREAT adventures of taste, beauty and chaos that you share so elegantly. Seeing Arab, Indian and Thai cusines mixed in dishes at the places you find in this video is another reminder why I love this channel soooo much.

  6. Florence Chin
    Florence Chin says:

    Oh my goodness! Never eaten any of those dishes but I'd sure like to!! Southern Thailand is becoming more and more intriguing for the restaurants there! Thanks Joel, I'm doing my best to taste the flavors of everything on the table! Lol! It all seems less spicy than the food in the North so that's good for me. Chiangmai Is still the IT place to go though!!!โค๏ธ

  7. Menno
    Menno says:

    Aroy Makkkkkk! That looked so good buddy! p.s Got my Thai pass. If all things go well, I will be in CNX on the 10th of february. Save some food for me ๐Ÿ˜

  8. Don Dobbs
    Don Dobbs says:

    W0W! Duck Curry! I never have even seen that! Bummer the two flat tires but, that FOOD! must help to make it all good again. What an interesting place to be! Not missing the heat, I'm enjoying Thai "cool season" up north while it lasts but still, would love to get down there some day. Lucky we have places like Laila that have MOST of what you were eating here but, I don't think they have the duck curry. YUM!


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