Gut Healing Foods / 2 Ingredient Instant Pot Yogurt / Fermented Pickles / And More!

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Come along as I show you how to make 24 hour two ingredient yogurt! And how to make easy and simple fermented pickles! I am trying to Build up good gut …

44 replies
  1. Margriet Neels
    Margriet Neels says:

    Thankyou so much for all the tips! I make kombucha three gallons at a time, and cow milk yogurt and have made kefir in the past. We have tried making goat milk yogurt, from our goat, but it always turns out so runny too! I will definitely be letting the whey drip out of it for a thicker consistency! I am also looking forward to making some fermented pickles now!

  2. Fran Ricardo
    Fran Ricardo says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your time & talents with me Priscilla!!!! Your yogurt & pickles looked really yummy!! Love & prayers to you all!! 🥰❤️🙏🏻🥒🧅🧄🫐🍓🥣

  3. RuthAnne Sulja
    RuthAnne Sulja says:

    Thank you for the very informative video! I enjoy making my own yogurt in a crock pot, it's very easy! Also I would like to recommend you to try Water Kefir using water kefir grains. they look like little gelatin balls and you put them into a jar with sugar water and let it sit out covered with a coffee filter for 48 hours, when that time is up, you strain off the grains and to that liquid you add a handful of your favorite crushed up fruit and you let it sit (ferment) for another 48 hours. You will then strain that off and you are left with a slightly sweet, fizzy drink that is full of probiotics! The kids will love it!

  4. Mary Beauchamp
    Mary Beauchamp says:

    Thankyou Priscilla for sharing your delicious recipes with us! Looks delicious and definitely going to pull my instapot out of the cuboard! God Bless you and your beautiful family ❤🇨🇦

  5. Sara Brunsvold
    Sara Brunsvold says:

    I’m not a huge yogurt fan but with the granola and fruit, it looks delicious!! The pickles look really good too. What looks the best is your precious children sitting with you!! God bless!!!

  6. June Clary
    June Clary says:

    Hi Pricilla,
    Laurie usually comments but today I wanted to tell you how much we all enjoy your videos. I just finished making canned grape leaf pickles. My family won’t eat anything else. I am going to try your fermented pickles. I think my family will like them too. I keep a jar of your sour kraut in the refrigerator. Larry is out on a fire in Oregon doing ground support. He will get to come home next week for two days. Sending you prayers and blessings.

  7. Linda BayBridge
    Linda BayBridge says:

    It's a common misconception that you should only use plastic for milk kefir. I have always used good quality stainless steel and glass for mine. I have been making kefir for many years. I rarely use plastic for food preparation. I know the chemicals used to make it are very unhealthy for our bodies.

  8. June Clary
    June Clary says:

    Hi 👋 Priscilla thank you for a another good video. Your yogurt looks delicious 😋 and so does your mom just canned 7 jars of pickles today and we picked several tomatoes 🍅 in our garden 🪴 and other vegetables too today love ❤️ and blessings Larry June and Laurie

  9. Grace Reiff
    Grace Reiff says:

    I just started making 24 hour yogurt in my instant pot , The Mennonite Mom on YouTube introduced it to me . Love how simple it is ! I’ll need to wait until next summer to try the fermented pickles as I pulled my last cucumber plant out .


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