Gut Friendly MEAT TEA And How To Can It | Canuary | Bone Broth & Meat Stock | Fermented Homestead

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Canuary is almost over and today we are going to geek out over some gut friendly bone broth and meat stock! We are going to …

45 replies
  1. cheryl121152
    cheryl121152 says:

    My local WinCo grocery story has 10 lb. bags of frozen leg quarter s for $8.99. I usually pick one bag up a month. So after watching a video on canning bones in chicken, I thought I can do this. I cut the legs and thighs apart and manage to get about 5 pieces in each quart jar. And then ran out of wide mouth jars. So now I cut the back bone portion off of the thighs so they fit better in the regular mouth jars. BTW, this chick is raw packed in the pressure canner. Now I put 5 pieces if chicken back in a quart jar and fill with water and into the canner they go with the quarts of chicken to make a full canner load and I get 5 quarts of chicken and2 quarts of chicken bone broth. Also, this grocery store sells chicken paws, i.e. feet.
    The only grocery store in Missoula that I have found chicken feet. Thanks for your video and helpful knowledge. I look forward to future recipes.

  2. Debbie Musgrove
    Debbie Musgrove says:

    Both your Canuary videos were just cram packed full of information. I’m sure you spent a lot of time just researching to pass it onto your viewers. Never heard of meat broth. Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks!

  3. dora7358
    dora7358 says:

    Oh My Gosh….. I JUST LOVE LOVE LOVE …..(did I say LOVE?) your videos… I am so BLESSED TO HAVE BEEN ENGAGED IN CANUARY. I so appreciate your knowledge and am learning so much. Thank you. I do need to rewatch your video…. soooo entertaining and because you are a fast talker I need to pay close attention…. so why not just listen to you again…. and again…. LOL and again. LOL You're super great.. Thank you so much.

  4. Taximom
    Taximom says:

    I need to watch this again! I have histamine issues and was drinking bone broth like crazy a few years ago and felt awful! Now I know I have an option!! Thank you! Fun videos!

  5. Monique Kilmer
    Monique Kilmer says:

    Found you through Canuary 2023 Suttons Daze Leisa and Forjars. You absolutely crack me up. I love education and laughter 💕 ❤. You are so informative and on so many levels. Even if someone knows your information, they still can't stop watching. Thank you for your ADD specialties! I could follow you totally, while having 3 thoughts, a sip of coffee and smoke and laughing hard. You are awesome. Thank You, Leisa, and Forjars!!!

  6. Just Patty
    Just Patty says:

    Meat tea, the name is now embedded into my brain. I love that you are a researcher. We have to advocate for our own health. Thank you for sharing this with us! Thank you to all the contributors and ForJars!

  7. Misty Cherie
    Misty Cherie says:

    Love your way of sharing science and health with humor, thank you! Appreciate all the examples and also your prep work in trying so many options beforehand. YOU are indeed the secret ingredient to these amazing videos!

  8. Bernadette Stykel
    Bernadette Stykel says:

    You should have seen my sons face the first time he took the lid off of my cooking broth to show his friend. He stirred and they about pooped their pants when the feet rose up to the top and floated by….Priceless and his friend did not eat at our house for awhile. LOL

  9. Tiffany M
    Tiffany M says:

    I didn't know about the foam on top. Thank you. Also, even my children (aged 15, 13, and 12) all like listening to your videos! 😄 thanks for all the extra info you include!

  10. Carol Bailey
    Carol Bailey says:

    Thank you so much for this video, so many of us have digestive disorders now days! From my experience, the medical professionals would rather throw a bunch of pills at it, than encourage healthy diet changes with less chemical packed foods.

  11. Susie Salazar
    Susie Salazar says:

    I have been enjoying my bone broth. I knew it was good for you but had no idea how good. I love your enthusiasm and you sharing your wealth of knowledge. You continue to inspire me. Another great video Ms. Anna. I always enjoy them. Thank you.

  12. Patti Little
    Patti Little says:

    I love your great facts and humor. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and information. Thank you ForJars for sponsoring. Will continue to follow for more great info. Patti from Michigan


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