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41 replies
  1. Mrs~Afton
    Mrs~Afton says:

    It’s hard being gluten-free and then people just lie about it or make fun of people for having it like I have been left out of things like pizza at school and cake and many other things that they just made me sit there and watch

  2. Na Na bartec
    Na Na bartec says:

    I don't believe gluten and milk … when I was young . because I didn't feel anything even I had allergy test–they show I had grain or milk… allergy. I thought it was bullshit for me….
    until now I have to believe gluten , grain , milk …. I feel ache all my body muscle and join and other symptom as well for last 4 or 5 years , visited doctor and got so many test , all normal.
    finally I cut bread symptom slow slow slow very slow relief…… next I have cut or drink less milk or goat milk to relief intestinal problems.

  3. Na Na bartec
    Na Na bartec says:

    you need learn or watch more about gluten and say that. allergy have many different level different symptoms — inflammations…. it is allergy as well. IN the end of life all this allergy … trigger serious disease or caner. in the end it is personal choice .

  4. Miichau
    Miichau says:

    I don't have an allergy nor an intolerance to gluten, but sometimes it can trigger my eczema to flare up. I also find that it can slow down my digestion at time, just like other stodgy foods like rice may do.

    So I tend to avoid it for those reasons.
    But the quality of the wheat and the way it's produced has a big impact on how it affects my body too. For example, I may eat some homemade Naan bread one day and my body doesn't react in any way.
    If however, I consume regular toast or pasta from the store.. yikes. It doesn't usually end well.

  5. Skeletor P Phunk
    Skeletor P Phunk says:

    I have gluten SENSITIVITY, after years and years of eating it(I love bread) so though I'm not allergic to it, I don't feel great if I eat enough (which I don't quite know where the magic number of "enough" is) so it's best if I avoid it. Trace amounts don't seem to be an issue, but yes, I agree. Avoiding something out of a conscious decision is one thing, saying you're allergic, without being diagnosed as such is kinda lame.

  6. A K
    A K says:

    Matt dont be annoying, for me, i can get away with a tiny bit of gluten but any more and i cant move my arms the next day which is how i almost lost my job from taking sick time off.

  7. Sydney Brooks
    Sydney Brooks says:

    My husband has an extreme gluten allergy and still eats it time to time some people cut it out completely, some people just don’t care, and some people feel it’s okay in moderation 🤷🏻‍♀️

  8. Potato
    Potato says:

    I'm just imagining him following them home and peeking through the windows to check if they fart, bloat, get stomach ache, have diarrhea or the opposite 😂

  9. Fibblit
    Fibblit says:

    Hey bro, gluten allergy (celiac disease) isn't like other allergies with the hives and the swelling and the epi pen. It's much more sinister. It doesn't take effect until you're digesting your food so the reaction is always delayed, usually by many hours, long after you've left the restaurant. It causes permanent and irreversible damage to your small intestine, permanently reducing the amount of calories and nutrients you can absorb from your food. And because of shitheads like you, who downplay it, I can't eat in any restaurant whatsoever because everything in the west either has gluten in it, or is cross contaminated with it.

    So yea, you feed us gluten, see us finish meal and walk away and think we're full of shit. What you don't see is our 24 hour hangover that starts 2 hours later and our 10 years of reduced lifespan because 30 years of going diagnosed has annihilated our small intestine.

    Thank you for spreading misinformation and making our lives harder than they already are. Jackass.

  10. Rachael Nabbs
    Rachael Nabbs says:

    I hate mushroom with a passion but would never say i am allergic. Unfortunately I am Coeliac and can end up in hospital if i eat gluten. I wish people would stop calling a dislike an allergy. If my symptoms when eating gluten was just food poisoning (like some people think) I would indulge in the gluten foods I miss. I am forever grateful to the places that take the time to make me gluten free food because I know it isn't as simple as regular dishes.

  11. Carly Sheree
    Carly Sheree says:

    I’m not gluten intolerant however I opt for gluten free options as gluten proteins completely destroy your gut over time. Leading to auto immune diseases due to gut permeability

  12. Elise Geiman
    Elise Geiman says:

    I have a gluten allergy. I had a blood test that came back showing I am allergic to gluten. I had terrible pain in my stomach for many years. The doctor I was seeing said that the gluten could be causing my stomach pain. People need to get the blood test to find out for sure if they are allergic to gluten. I have ate out probably 9 times since 2009. I would get vegetables and salad, and meat and tell them not to put anything on the meat, but I don't eat out anymore, because they can't guarantee that there is no gluten in their food. I look at all labels in the grocery store, and online when purchasing. I use Coconut amino.

  13. Owen Perez
    Owen Perez says:

    I hate that because my whole life my mom was severely allergic to gluten and almost died a couple of times because people thought she was just on a diet or that she was lying

  14. harxmoond
    harxmoond says:

    I gave a gluten sensitivity and sadly I love to eat bread. Usually I'm fine but then a week later I'm all itchy and have hives. Does it stop me, sometimes. For some reason It takes a while to shoe the effects other thing like milk affect me within 1/2hr so I gave no choice but to wait that.

  15. execbum1
    execbum1 says:

    This is so unbelievably ignorant! I am gluten intolerant and went through 20 years of illness before I realised I was gluten intolerant. I have now been gluten free for 18 months and yes, I can occasionally eat some gluten now, but I just can't keep doing it. It's different for everyone, because there is more than one illness caused by gluten and they all have different levels of intolerance. Educate yourself!

  16. Neroli Dobson
    Neroli Dobson says:

    I've spent the last three days recovering from being 'glutened' by a restaurant. You think they are unaffected, but don't see them in agony for the next 24 hours and the discomfort for nearly a week, because it doesn't happen instantly while they are still in the restaurant! I am not coeliac and I can eat tiny bits like soy sauce without it bothering me, but if I ate that fried bread in your video I would be in agony for days. However, I know people who can't even tolerate even a tiny crumb and have seen them end up in hospital on an IV drip after being 'glutened' by someone like you.

  17. euphoria924
    euphoria924 says:

    i don't eat gluten because my family genetically has bad thyroid. btw ur thyroid is a gland in your neck that "produces hormones that regulate the body's metabolic rate, growth and development. It plays a role in controlling heart, muscle and digestive function, brain development and bone maintenance. Its correct functioning depends on a good supply of iodine from the diet." (found that on google)
    my grandmother, mom, and sister have a thyroid disease called Hashimoto's and even have to take medicine for it. i am just at risk of getting it, so my doctor told me to greatly limit my gluten intake to lower my risk, and it's defidentally helping. i eat gluten only when I have to, like when I'm camping and all they serve us is food with gluten in it.

    bottom line is that there are so many reasons why people go gluten-free, so pls don't get mad at ppl for sometimes eating it bc they might not even have celiac disease, like me

  18. Michael H
    Michael H says:

    I can eat soy sauce. I can’t eat wheat bread – it messes me up. Is it the gluten? Probably, but I’m not sure (there is very little gluten in soy sauce despite it having wheat). So now I’m a “liar” for eating soy sauce but not wanting to have diarrhea and acid reflux by eating bread or pizza. 🤦‍♂️

  19. monica luketich
    monica luketich says:

    As I explain to people about MY body: people who are allergic to gluten will probably have to go to the hospital. Me, being gluten intolerant, have to go to the bathroom for SEVERAL HOURS.

  20. anna
    anna says:

    Sometimes allergies do not appear immediately. Allergies may be severe or mild. I personally have a gluten allergy but it's not fatal. I will have rashes after a day of consuming it. But there are times I will still eat food that contains gluten because I miss the taste of it but suffer the consequence afterwards.

  21. Georgie Miles
    Georgie Miles says:

    Yoooo!!!! I’m coeliac and will take exhaustive measure when eating out. Questioning whether they are using gluten free soy sauce and even soy milk etc.

    Within 10 minute of consuming something that is gluten free but cooked in the same pan as something with gluten I will experience a very sore stomach writhing 30 minutes I’ll have a massive headache and within the next 72- 84 hours I will be extremely constipated lol and may even take upto five days to come right. And that just from cross contamination

  22. Danny Becker
    Danny Becker says:

    As someone who has Celiac and has to order gluten free out of medical necessity, no one pisses me off more than people who eat gluten free as a fashion choice, thinking it means low carb or some nonsense.

  23. PartyBug98
    PartyBug98 says:

    That really sucks, for someone with a gluten intolerance, such as myself, if people are allowing chefs to add gluten to non-gluten foods they could mess up the dishes for people that gluten really effects. I don't want to be sitting in pain on the toilet for 3 days strait, having my guts destroy itself, AHH!

  24. noir
    noir says:

    I just found out that I have Celiac Disease and let me tell you the journey I'm on is extremely tough. I found out the hard way that soy sauce has gluten 😭😭😭😭

    It's so difficult plus I'm dairy free as well cause my tummy can't cope lmaooo


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