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21 replies
  1. Juho Huuki
    Juho Huuki says:

    You don't need the tiny leafs, you can toss those out.. But you can use the stem of the broccoli, fully, just dice it up same size tham the other 'little trees' are.

  2. Una Ardilla Por Favor
    Una Ardilla Por Favor says:

    OMG! 🙀 I just watched your vid, and girl, you're legit the sweetest! 😍❤ But I gotta admit, I was like 🤔 I never saw Kay do desserts, so I got one that is easy-peasy lemon squeezy! 🍋💦So here's my epic suggestion for ya: the 'Triple-Layered Chocolate Delight'! 🍗🎉 It's delicious~

  3. S R
    S R says:

    All the nasty comments and fake biches aside, I would gladly eat that meal at the end of a day. Some of us work hard for a living unlike the average youtube commenter 😂 i'd pay dollars for that meal kay cuz I fuggin love broccoli!

  4. Callum Lee
    Callum Lee says:

    Kay I’d be delighted for you to make my girlfriend and my favourite meal. Mangers and bash, our fun little modern take on the classic bangers and mash.
    Firstly, get 1-7 Richmond sausages (depends how hungry you and Lee are lol!) you then must run a very sharp kitchen knife down the side of the sausage to cut the skin.
    Next squeeze out the “bash” (the sausage meat) and make it into a mash shaped pile. Yes I know it’s still raw 😂
    Next you want to slide your bash off the plate and into some boiling water (do not forget to put salt and pepper into the water) boil the bash until it is fully cooked and holds its shape.
    Now for the “mangers” !!
    Get some mashed potato (just smooshed up boiled potato will do) and add 4 tablespoons of butter or margarine
    Now add flour until it becomes a dough and you can shape it with your hands.
    Lastly make the potato dough into the shape of sausages and fry them in a bit of oil in a pan like you would do a normal sausage.
    Serve to Lee whilst it’s still nice and hot because it’s not as good when it’s gone cold.
    Thank you Kay!! We love you, keep being you ❤️❤️


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