Garbanzo Beans Like You´ve Never Tasted Before | Fast & Easy Recipe

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EPISODE 549 – How to Make Moorish-Spiced Spanish Garbanzo Beans with Vegetables Recipe FULL RECIPE HERE: …

29 replies
  1. Aafreen Qureshi
    Aafreen Qureshi says:

    Wow I love that recipe.
    It is highly resemble to Indian dish called " Chola".
    We add all those spices except saffron and Smokey Spanish paprika.
    I love your blend of spices.
    Love all your easy to cook Spanish recipes.
    Thank you for introducing Spanish cuisines to us.

  2. giant moon
    giant moon says:

    Brilliant channel. Thank you for the tasty recipes. Fell free to drop grams for teaspoonfuls of spices, etc. No one has kitchen scales that sensitive. But most cooks will have a set a measuring spoons.

  3. GpD79
    GpD79 says:

    Wow… I've never seen anyone use dried cilantro before. I bought some a few years ago and found that it didn't have any flavor at all. I wonder if I got a bad batch.

  4. JA S
    JA S says:

    A Portuguese friend once served me a chicken dish that was incredible. When I asked her about it, she shared the "secret" spice blend she used. It's very similar to the one you used here. That blend opened me up to the use of cinnamon in savory dishes. It's become a flavor that I really love. I look forward to trying this dish of yours, with another favorite of mine, garbanzos. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Andee T
    Andee T says:

    How on earth has it taken me so long to find your channel? Have been watching all morning, SOOOO many fantastic-looking recipes, all I need now is some sunshine and the opportunity to feed people (in the UK so still inching slowly out of lockdown…) This so takes me back to many wonderful holidays in Spain, cannot wait for the day we can go back but in the meantime, your recipes bring back happy memories and the hope for a future to come

  6. Lady Thyme
    Lady Thyme says:

    Can you keep your arms still when you talk…it’s really distracting…I duck every time I see an intro…like you’re going to throw something at me. 😳

  7. Mike Stewart
    Mike Stewart says:

    Looks absolutely wonderful. However, it cannot be a Moorish recipe. Both tomatoes and bell peppers are from The New World and did not exist in Spain while the Arabs were there. Possibly they were brought back to Spain by Columbus on returning from one of his voyages but the Moors would have missed the arrival of those vegetables as they were themselves being thrown out of Spain by Their Majesties Ferdinand and Isabella at just exactly the same time that Captain Christopher, the future Admiral of the Ocean Seas, was setting sail on his epic voyage of discovery. On the other hand, the Garbanzo beans, (chick peas), probably were brought to Spain by the Moors (the Arabs). The very versatile Garbanzo bean was originally from the area that is now called Turkey and ended up a favorite food throughout the entire Middle-East and eventually much of the world. But, I repeat, it does look like a wonderful dish and should very deservedly be counted among those many splendid dishes of Spanish cuisine that are of mixed origin.


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